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  1. 1981Grant

    Why would I need a girlfriend if I have a Nintendo 64?

    Just act more like Gary Oak. Bitches love Gary Oak.
  2. 1981Grant


    Time doesn't heal all wounds but it can make you forget about them. I had a similar situation with a girl; we were best friends and would go through phases of liking each other when the other one didn't. Eventually I said something and it sort of ruined it. I was sad, we didn't talk for a while...
  3. 1981Grant

    General Thoughts: Chemistry

    I'd expected that it would be horribly difficult but when it was only hard I was happy. Now I'm finished :)
  4. 1981Grant

    physics/Chem final prep

    it affects the volume. that's probably what he meant. So when you do c1v1=c2v2 it will be out.
  5. 1981Grant

    80 atar still possible?

    possible if you do well in your externals.
  6. 1981Grant


    i have this same feeling. One of mine friend's finished all of her exams except for art last friday. she's pissed.
  7. 1981Grant

    Chemistry: Checklist

    There is the possibility that they will but I think it would be small. I assume everything I suck at is going to be in the test, makes it better for me when it isn't.
  8. 1981Grant

    Chemistry: Checklist

    are you sure? the metallic bonding of the iron forms a lattice and the smaller carbon molecules can fit within that lattice, although this is when carbon is in excess that it creates structural problems as they are all trying to fit into the lattice, this forces the lattice to become misshapen...
  9. 1981Grant

    Plans for post HSC?

    I'm finishing tomorrow. Going for a ten km run afterwards then I'm going to cruise aimlessly on my motorbike for the rest of the day. Then: -Gym -Friends -More friends -Work (Acquire monies) -Buy new motorbike -Start swimming again -Read all the books I've missed -Watch all the movies I've...
  10. 1981Grant

    Noble Gas oxides

    They are noble gases. They don't react with anything as far as the hsc syllabus is concerned.
  11. 1981Grant

    potty training yourself before a 3 hour exam?

    No. Drink before exam. Enter exam. Stay focused. End exam. Piss out the 6th ocean.
  12. 1981Grant

    Best & Worst HSC Exam.

    Best: Engrish Paper 1 Worst: Most likely chem.
  13. 1981Grant

    School certificate is next week! Have you guys studied?

    I studied for this by just doing online multiple choice and reading over notes the day before. It was easy, I got all 88-89. Didn't really put it much effort though.
  14. 1981Grant

    Trial mark in relation to exam mark

    It's not worth worrying about. Focus as much on the exams now and worry about the outcome afterwards.
  15. 1981Grant

    What are the levels of magnification?

    troll is confirmed, abandoned thread.
  16. 1981Grant

    What are the levels of magnification?

    Not sure if troll or troll? Incase of not trolling I have done from 2004-2010. I've never came across it in my revision of the syllabus either. Is this in an option topic?
  17. 1981Grant

    Why are esters good solvents?

  18. 1981Grant

    What are the levels of magnification?

    I assume you are talking about chem, I'm pretty ace at chem, I've done several past papers and never come across this terminology. Chill.
  19. 1981Grant

    Trial mark in relation to exam mark

    Don't stress, if your rankings up there they won't pull you down anyway. You are honestly not that fucked if you are intelligent enough to worry about doing badly and considering that you may be getting a band six.
  20. 1981Grant

    What are the levels of magnification?

    This is baileys. This is baileys a little closer. And this is as close to baileys you can get without your eye watering. I seriously have no clue what you are talking about goodsir!