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    does anyone happen to know a good place for eco tutoring? :)
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    ATAR Estimate please? :) - don't know if I should drop to 10 units?

    shadow dude I just realised ur doing a B Commerce which I might be interested in doing, obviously your doing advanced mathematics in ur B science course but I was wondering is there a lot of intense maths in B commerce?
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    Maxima and Minima problems - help please :)

    Hi I am having trouble with 2 max and min problems if anyone would help me with them it'd be much appreciated 1. A piece of wire 10 metres long is cut into two portions. One piece is bet to form a cricle and the other piece to form a square. FInd the circumference of the circle if the sum of...
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    Difference between Navigating the Global and Retreat from the Global?

    I honestly think that Retreat from the Global was easier... Navigating the Global I suppose makes us think about the symbiotic relationship between both the local and the global but perhaps the Retreat from the Global basically talks about returning to the local rather than thinking about the...
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    Easter holidays: Study goals

    Yeh that's same with me. I've had 2 very productive days and a few lazy days, overall its still more than I usually do but no where near enough for year 12 I don't think...
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    Easter holidays: Study goals

    You guys been productive these holidays? I've done some work but no where near as much as I intended.
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    ATAR Estimate please? :) - don't know if I should drop to 10 units?

    I saw a question in the 2009 paper I think, which asked you to change the setting of your story and that completely freaked me out. Are you meaning a curve ball in advance mainly because they could ask us to write like an article/speech etc? I guess that would be a concern which is why I thought...
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    Your avatar is so cute :)

    Your avatar is so cute :)
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    ATAR Estimate please? :) - don't know if I should drop to 10 units?

    Thanks for all your help guys. I am most likely to drop maths but I am scared that one day for Extension English they might throw a curve ball at me and I'll have no idea how to answer the question...
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    ATAR Estimate please? :) - don't know if I should drop to 10 units?

    I guess it just eats up a lot of my time - I will sit there and study for an hour and maybe do like five questions, where as when I study an hour for other subjects I get a lot more done. I'm just not good at it and I know that if I invested a lot of time in it that perhaps I could improve, but...
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    ATAR Estimate please? :) - don't know if I should drop to 10 units?

    School rank is about 40 Advanced English - 10/87 Extension English - 12/30 Biology - 5/42 Studies of Religion 1 - 4/36 Economics - 3/16 Business Studies - 4/34 Mathematics - not entirely sure of rank - around 30/45. I am thinking of dropping maths but I'm not sure if dropping to 10 units is...
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    Easter holidays: Study goals

    hey guys do all schools return on the 26th of April? I know mine does, just wondering if u guys start a the same time
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    Talent 100? Dux College?

    I used to go to Dux, it's pretty good and the materials they give are great
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    Year 12 2012 Chit Chat Thread

    wowowow 140 doing extension 1?! That's crazy! Do you go to a selective school by any chance?
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    Half Yearly Depression

    May I ask what percentage these assessments weighed?
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    All finished last week! Some results back - didn't do as bad as I expected. I heard some schools don't have a proper exam block but simply one or two assessments each week for the entire term, I wonder if that's better
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    Navigating the Global - theorists

    Does anyone have any recommendations as to where to get information on theorists? I'm finding it difficult as the passages are really long and hard to understand. I have some only like one quote form Havel and one from Baudrillard and I am having trouble relating it to the navigating the global...
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    Max and Min Problem

    Hi guys if anyone could help me with this question that'd be great. A rectangle is cut from a circular disc of radius 6cm. Find the area of the largest rectangle that can be produced. The two formulas that I got were A = xy and x^2+y^2=144, but I had trouble differentiating
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    Anyone else off to Japan?

    That sounds amazing but too costly if I were to go with a group of friends
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    For all the kids sitting the HSC in 2012 ..... What do you want to do next year?

    I think I will most likely do commerce at UNSW. I'm also interested in communications