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  1. E

    HD Average

    heard its pretty easy because there isn't much competition after you get in. Its only really really hard to get in. Once in its a breeze.
  2. E

    Comparing Uni's

    WTF do you mean? Please try to write/converse in simple language. First, you think google is a notion, now this. You haven't answered anything, because you haven't back them up with facts. In case you hadn't notice, the notion:confused:google cannot search meaningless shit in your head. So...
  3. E

    Comparing Uni's

    ORLLY so you were telling us to google [a personal view held by you] [the word notion can be used here]. i c
  4. E

    Comparing Uni's

    maybe you should look up the word notion in google lol google is not an idea you douche considering you made a blanket statement about how ASB is the best its your responsibility to provide a source.
  5. E

    question about chiropractic science

    so how is it different from physio? beside the whole spine shape stuff?
  6. E

    Actuarial Studies - right path for me?

    i heard the FIAA exams are 8 hours long and insanely hard. Thats partly why it pays so much because through the exams it limits the supply of actuarys.
  7. E

    Medical Science -> Pharmacy

    Thanks Katie, yeah CSU is an option but i kinda wanna stay in Sydney
  8. E

    Medical Science -> Pharmacy

    anonymos do you know how hard it would be for a physio student from usyd to transfer to pharm at usyd? also since you do pharmacy, do you agree with the private practice net income posted up in my only other thread?
  9. E

    med/pharm/physio/dent/ private practice salary info

    Found some info regarding private practice incomes for most of the health professions if anyone is interested. Guess it will make it easier for some prospective students to make up their mind about which course they want to do. Click here