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  1. E

    muscoskeletal system

    well the in the hands the bones are as u follow them from your wrist to the tips of your fingers in order: metacarpal bones, proximal phalanx, middle phalanx, and distal phalanx in ur foot i havn't done that anatomy yet but its similiar except its metatarsal.... well there are quite a few...
  2. E

    med/pharm/physio/dent/ private practice salary info

    optom wasn't in the stats, buti read somewhere that if ur working for a franchise like opsm or specsavers or similiar its around 85k. if ur owning a private practice prob similiar to physio
  3. E

    Truth about CUMBERLAND!!

    yeh its full fee i think there are some csp places i heard theres about 300 people(exercise science, BHS, Occupational health med sc some non usyders etc) that apply for masters programe and there are only 60 places most of which are full fee (25K a year) u have a better chance of getting...
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    Predictions and Results (Semester 1 2009)

    HSBH1003 Health, Behaviour and Society 69.0 Credit :( hoping for a distinction
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    !!!URGENT!!! Too late to apply?

    maybe wait till main rounds? you've already jeopordised mid year entry... only a 6 month wait...
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    Health Options?

    Chiro is a psyeudoscience its not recognized by mainstream medicine... so don't fall into the trap of just choosing it because its easier to get into and requires less work. I assume the course is just as hard if not harder since its 5 years instead of 4(physio)...
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    Reflections of a 4th yr pharm student--pls read if you're considering pharm

    you should still consider pharmacy, i don't think lala's intentions were to turn people of pharmacy??? just to let people know what its like. You're best of going to you're local pharmacy and doing some work experience to see if you like it.
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    thanks for reviving a thread thats 4 years old BTW UWS also has a course opening up next year as well do a google search...
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    Reflections of a 4th yr pharm student--pls read if you're considering pharm

    i think the pay may fall even further if the guild doesn't have its way... Australian drug subsidy scheme &squo;dysfunctional&squo; | The Daily Telegraph
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    Reflections of a 4th yr pharm student--pls read if you're considering pharm

    Re: Pls read if you're considering pharm (warning: very lengthy) ^^^^^^^ i can just imagine nanasaurus writing 'dn nt tke grpe juce wit liptor'
  11. E

    Help with Med School Admissions statistics

    from what i heard i think it was around 2 out of 3 get in through the interview. As compared to around 2 or 3 / 8 that get through for undergrad med. Also the interviews are problem solving type scenarios. Yep try again next year... BTW are you still an aus. citizen? if not you'll prob have to...
  12. E

    Help with Med School Admissions statistics

    thick alabama accent: 'your not from around here are you?' From what i've read the gpa that you have stated is the minimum. But the gpa is mostly used as a 'hurdle'. Admission is mainly based on interview and gamsat. You can only interview at one school. So apply for three (4?) and if you...
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    Reflections of a 4th yr pharm student--pls read if you're considering pharm

    oh comon guys cheer up pharm can't be that bad. Think into the future once you guys have worked for a while and own your own practice itl be alright. Keep at it.
  14. E

    Reflections of a 4th yr pharm student--pls read if you're considering pharm

    how long does it take for a pharm graduate at say priceline or terry white to start earning 150k? if its not that long who cares if its boring id take the money anyday
  15. E

    Reflections of a 4th yr pharm student--pls read if you're considering pharm

    Re: Pls read if you're considering pharm (warning: very lengthy) But don't you like the fact that you can earn about 150k a year doing minimal work? Can any 4th year phyio student tell any prospective physio students about their course 4 years in? Thatl settle the physio vs pharm dilemma for...
  16. E

    HD Average

    LOL no problem i can't believe you didn't sense the sarcasm. I'm not sure if your being sarcastic now. good luck with adv science and your report.
  17. E

    HD Average

    Mate if you can't smell the stench of sarcasm in my post you probably shouldn't be at uni. At least the OP realized i was being sarcastic. How is it my fault that you have no social life and are still writing your report? Try not to take out your tribulations on some stranger on a forum that...