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  1. E

    All your questions about CHIROPRACTIC answered

    Kaz n: great post and congrats for graduating thanks for clearing up a few misconceptions. Bored guy: WOW! Just wow! Sorry but I have better things to do than reply to all your extended and often unfounded criticisms. Also I fear if I had to quote and reply to each one that BOS forum's servers...
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    undergraduate degree for post graduate medicine

    sounds alright then, newcastle is harder to get into than usyd atm, if you live in sydney you should probably put uws second after usyd good luck
  3. E

    undergraduate degree for post graduate medicine

    yeah sidd that pathway is quite difficult. Grad Physio route: Credit average sounds easy but with some pretty dense anatomy units in first that are the same as undergrad physio its pretty hard. Also its full fee for the masters costs about 20k per annum + 20ishk for he 3 year health science...
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    Reflections of a 4th yr pharm student--pls read if you're considering pharm

    perhaps in 5-8 years there will be too many pharm graduates such that to reduce unemployment the government will allow coles/wollies to open instore pharms up. which i guess in that sense would be alright
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    Reflections of a 4th yr pharm student--pls read if you're considering pharm

    UNE is opening a 4 year pharm course now too thats like 6 courses(Usyd's Mpharm,Bpharm, Ucanbera, Newc, CSU, UNE) in nsw (act is not a state:p), thats screwed its as if the uni's are just making courses to make $$$ without any regard to preventing oversupply. Even if the uai falls to 80 the...
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    undergraduate degree for post graduate medicine

    maybe consider pharmacy or physio or optometry? itl really motivate you to get into med. With engineering your connection with your ultimate dream or goal shifts further and further away with each year of engineering. Like I want to do grad med too and because i do physio i get a real feel for...
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    Actuarial Studies at UNSW and MQ

    are u sure mac is the best for actuarial in the entire world? competing with US/UK unis? sure it was the first to introduce a sole acturial course but i doubt its the best in the whole entire universe. tbh its not a huge deal, in the US/UK students just complete a maths/stat major in Bsc and sit...
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    Actuarial Studies at UNSW and MQ

    If your not too confident at doing well in the course, i.e. some units require minimum credits to progress in the course and get excemptions, its probably best to go to UNSW because atleast then you just change majors to say accounting and you have the backing of a great rep, whereas mac's other...
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    Money vs Lifestyle

    i take lifestyle to a certain extent: don't choose: a) professions where one's earnings in a lifetime are capped at 75k or significantly less per annum, BUT, derived satisfaction is greater than in choice (b); b) professions where one's earnings in a lifetime range between 75k-150k or more...
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    Indian killer driver fled Australia on false passport

    cool story brah EDIT: sad story, old story
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    Official dust storm thread

    all the dogs in my neibhourhood are barking... really windy too
  12. E

    All your questions about CHIROPRACTIC answered

    Don't become a chiropractor | All-Students Forum | Student Doctor Network this thread pertains to whats happening in the US but if you read it, you can see how its already starting to happen here.
  13. E

    All your questions about CHIROPRACTIC answered

    sorry to burst your bubble but chiros make no where near 300-400k. Deal in facts and statistics and not what you're chiro said or what you heard a friend's chiro earns. Here is data on the average earnings of the health professions: make...
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    All your questions about CHIROPRACTIC answered

    A more appropriate title for this thread would have been "For those that didn't make the cut at any mid/high level health programs but still want to play doctor, become a chiro" ditto what wooz said earlier, chiro is a pseudoscience. The treatments they provide have not been shown in clinical...
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    uws->usyd B.applied science

    it is not applied science(radiology) it is applied science (radiography) i know they look and sound the same but they are vastly different. To study radiology you have to study a medical degree, intern, do residency then compete and compete and compete with other doctors for a radiology...
  16. E

    UTS vs UNSW Business vs Commerce?

    uts business as the title suggests is for individuals who want to manage their small business or open up them small to medium sized ones, where as usyd/unsw commerce degrees are for commercial businesses in the corporate world.
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    Should Muslim Holidays be recognised in Australia?

    lol this argument is much like that episode of Seinfield where Kramer gives Jerry his blood and they become bloodbrothers and kramer asks for favor after favor... when does it end? When do they become aussies and not just 'ethnics' that should be grateful from 'our' generosity? lol most...
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    med/pharm/physio/dent/ private practice salary info

    hey well after graduation you can open one up but not many dont because you need to have a few years under your belt at diagnosing where you can ask for help if needed, and financially you need to save up to get loans to buy a practice or open one up. So after a few years in hospitals physios do...
  19. E

    Reflections of a 4th yr pharm student--pls read if you're considering pharm

    is it the master of pharm people from usyd? canbera uni? maybe newcastles MPharm etc?