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    girls getting tased for doing automotive

    did you give up on med aussienerd? pretty big fall
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    Do doctors do practicals on corpses?

    im seriously sensing that aussienerd is a necrophiliac
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    want to be an ambassador

    what about less popular countries? I'm thinking like Lichtenstein, Kazikstan, Mongolia, Tasmania, Maldives etc like i mean do you have to be uber good and wise to be one there? and would a physio degree make me 'different'?
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    Do doctors do practicals on corpses?

    LOL i can see that by your tickerfactory thing:) but yeah they do work hard, if did med i would strive to be like Fred Hollows btw FOB are you going be cut if a patient doesn't address you as Dr soandso? just asking cos i rekon some Drs might
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    Do doctors do practicals on corpses?

    some doctors are a very mild version of him... particularly expensive private hospital surgeons...
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    Do doctors do practicals on corpses?

    in physio we use cadavers too. 2 hours a week on muskuloskelatal anatomy for first year(this also includes nerve inervation, major arteries veins, head and neck anatomy, trunk anatomy too) and 2 hours a week on cardiovas., respiratory, renal, in first sem and 2 hours a week on neuro in second...
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    Semester 2 Chatter Thread (2009)

    thanks velox, hmm might consider that if i'm unable to do non award. how did you find gamsat? im guessing u did bcom?
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    Semester 2 Chatter Thread (2009)

    Hi does anyone know how to pre-enrol into non award courses? I want to study CHEM1001 and CHEM1002 next year but i can't seem to pre-enrol into them online. Also does anyone know whether these units will be a good enough grounding in organic chem for GAMSAT prep? cheers
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    Pre-enrolining into non-award study?

    Does anyone know how to pre-enrol into non-award courses? I want to enroll into CHEM1001 and CHEM1002 Cheers
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    lol its about 50:50 now, before it was like 70:30 f:m ratio if you want the ladies do speech path apparently its 45girls to 2 guys or something
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    Important advice for all those considering studying engineering next yr

    i mean physiotherapy bro, but yeah physics would be hard too
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    Important advice for all those considering studying engineering next yr

    whats HXC? i rekcon physio would be harder than engo too? but i havnt dont engo but. so much crap is thrown at you that you need to simply know remember, but i rekon i could handle the maths in engo which is supposed to be hard cos its logical not just remembering what this does how etc
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    UWS (physio) vs. USYD Health Science

    so for BHS guaranteed place u need 65 which is half credits half distinctions but for masters of physio i guess you need minimum of 4.5 or greater but not guaranteed
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    Important advice for all those considering studying engineering next yr

    serious question: are you uncle's troll? or is it common among engineering students to have a 'harden the fuck up' type mentality embedded into them?
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    Important advice for all those considering studying engineering next yr

    yeah i heard that too. thats hectic so half your mates in engo might not pull through agghhh
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    Would YOU drive this ?

    cheers Riet
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    Would YOU drive this ?

    its a mitsubishi so err make sure the milage is not near 100 000ks or 200 000ks they try to sell it of at 98500 or 99000ks to avoid having to do expensive timing belt changes. Mitsubishi's are notorious for complications after timing belt changes. Expect loud noises right after till it warms up...
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    Important advice for all those considering studying engineering next yr

    lol did you fuck up your preferences by accident or something? my parents were like "dw try your best, if you do shit, you can always fall back on engineering!" something along those lines in Korean. they were amazed all you need is 85 for engineering in australia. I think this is low...
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    UWS (physio) vs. USYD Health Science

    the masters isnt really the same as a conventional masters. Its a graduate entry to a physio degree if you didn't do undergrad physio. to specialise you would have to do a conventional physio masters. 65% is 5 sid. fairly sure its 5.5