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  1. N

    My Dilemma/Interview with the Principal.

    HAHA what a mad liar 10 minutes of work a week and estimated 95 uai Give us a fucking break please
  2. N

    reporting plagiarism

    HAHAHA thats funny
  3. N

    Red Bull no no's

    Weird woman
  4. N

    the woes of stagnation

  5. N

    the woes of stagnation

    Haha Case im in your position except I'm yet to start my 2nd draft I am really stuck fuck!
  6. N

    Poetry Major Works

    It's really hard to escape the tendencies of cliched writing esp. when centering around journeys and adolescence
  7. N

    Half Yearly Exams!

    it's only preliminary stop talking about 'oh I gotta study all holidays' because you dont
  8. N

    Assessment: Viva Voce

    90! Wtf!!!!!!!
  9. N

    My Plan to do well in the 2006 HSC/Goals

    Don't worry about it Claire I'm aiming for med aswell, you have to consider that UMAT, on most occasions, is equally weighted in the selection process, so dont bummer out if you UAI aint 99.9
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    Now that you have your half yearly results...

    Shinji, I think 2 essays per week is a bit excessive and unrealistic considering you have other subjects that are of high demand aswell
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    Bollywood Culture

    The whole 'Bollywood' culture PIP idea has been done on so many occasions during the past years, and only the REMARKABLE PIP's centering around that research get the top marks...try and make your research area perhaps more original..add an interesting socio-cultural element which grabs the...
  12. N

    Favourite subjects

    SOCIETY AND CULTURE!!!!!!!!!!! extension 1 english aswell
  13. N

    Stuffed Up - Still Got A Chance?

    Samo4u, Your sucking up would be much more useful if Struth was a female
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    How valuable is Ext2 English?

    I never said or implied that EXT2 Eng was for nothing, I personally enjoy it alot and should of rephrased my comment I was taking the HSc in general aswell..sorry LOL
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    Words you never want to hear again after you finish your HSC

    " You do general maths....i see...umm.. thats cool"
  16. N

    How valuable is Ext2 English?

    Well i Dont think many people reflect back on their work and contemplate all the insightful learning curves theyve been through for nothing... ITs all for that piece of see that 9
  17. N

    Please Help, Im in a predicament

    Nic I agree I think you need discussions in class, you need that general 'interactive' environment to thoroughly understand society and culture, on top of that a great teacher makes a WORLD of difference, S&C I feel you really need explaining, especially continual guidance from the teacher in...
  18. N

    Assessment: Viva Voce

    Thank you YOU GUYS ARE SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!
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    How late is to late???

    AHHAHAHAHHAHAHA not that bright what a top comment AHHAHAHA rippa