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  1. Master Gopher

    Section I - Personalities

    I was fine with JC, I didn't use 'veni vidi vici', but I had to do a speech on the Gallic Wars, so I was all set for the 'as a general' question! It bugged me that they changed the format *again*... I was so used to writing ten-markers so I just filled it with as much as possible in the time and...
  2. Master Gopher

    Julio-Claudians Notes/Summary ?

    I only know Aug and Tib, and a few themes. Think I'll survive? (I don't :()
  3. Master Gopher

    Important - Please Read

    Dear Marcus, Why thankyou. I have been spontaneously bitching about 'Heart of Darkness' for years... or at least since we first got the thing, so I think I very well qualified :) Might I just say: w000000000t!! Squee!! Whooooooooooooooooooooooo!! Yeeeee-ha! I have decided what I am doing...
  4. Master Gopher

    English Extension 2, 2006 - Mediums

    I Finally Decided. And I am stoked and so excited, I know what I'm doing!! :D
  5. Master Gopher

    Important - Please Read

    Why thankyou, O Duckling'd One! (That's an awesome pic) Yup, 1 Root Beer Critical Response a-comin' up. I've decided I'm willing to sacrifice as much as 5 marks in order to have total fun with my piece. This is me, going crazy, in class time. S'not been this good since Year 10 philosophy...
  6. Master Gopher

    English Extension 2, 2006 - Mediums

    Matter of fact I'd adore doing a comic. But they don't do visuals on artistic merit, only how they contribute to the meaning, and you still need the word count, and the presentation guidelines don't allow for it. I'd also love to do a picture book, but :( ...oh well... I'll just have to work...
  7. Master Gopher

    My interveiw for Extension2

    Do what you want. If you really want to enjoy your HSC at all, it's the ext subjects that make it worth it. I've got Art, Ext history, and 4 unit Eng, and it sure as hell *will* be hard... but if not I'd be bored to death and never do anything. If like me you need pressure for motivation, got...
  8. Master Gopher

    Journals 2k6

    Wish I was so brimming with ideas, I only have about 3, not counting totall uselessness :(
  9. Master Gopher

    HELP - Road Not Taken

    There are multiple interpretations for the last stanza: *It could be that he took the unconventional path. *On the other hand, the poem was written as a gentle satire on a friend of Frost's who spent all his time regretting the direction he took at crossroads, so it could be poking fun at...
  10. Master Gopher

    Journals 2k6

    Who's started? How are you going about it... random scribbling, coherent topics for each time you write? Started researching, or still drifting aimlessly? What sort of journal? Personally: I've done 2 pages, a bit of rambling about genres/topics I might write on. I really have no clue what...
  11. Master Gopher

    Important - Please Read

    Ooh, HoD. Our (ext) class did a collective shudder the other day when we saw it on the list for Journey Related texts... Irrelevance! Procrastination! Rambling! Root Beer! Long live 4 unit!! :D (Um. I don't know where the root beer came all things ext 2, it seemed like a good...
  12. Master Gopher

    English Extension 2, 2006 - Mediums

    You guys have any idea, already?? I'm tossing up between poetry, a short story, a collection of stories, and a website. I love rich descriptive language, metaphor and such, but also I'd like to do something sustained... I'll have to get my concept all figured out before I can make it fit a...
  13. Master Gopher

    Enzyme Make-Up

    Just to confuse you, they have found a very few enzymes made of RNA :D But ignore that, most textbooks &c assume they're all protein, and the HSC won't care.
  14. Master Gopher

    Getting into history ext!

    I'm doing ancient accellerated, so they don't know my mark yet :D, but at our school they don't really care, they just tell you if they don't think you can do ext, and if you do anyway, well, your loss. So I just started ext and am so incredibly excited... want to do something on Hannibal or...
  15. Master Gopher

    how did you do in the ancient history trials???

    We did JC for our personality, & cause we did 2 hist periods, Aug AND fall of the republic, JC is just FotRR stuff and just a little more 'bout hs background and political style, etc :D
  16. Master Gopher

    how did you do in the ancient history trials???

    I screwed up under stress, got a mental block, couldn't write anything after the first two questions. It was shithouse, I got 43%. What I did was actually fine though, and I'm still coming 2nd, because our class is pretty slack, s'only me and the other accelerated girl who actually get over 90s...
  17. Master Gopher

    biology students

    I'm planning selling mine 4 hours before their yearlies, when they are all crying and desperate :D
  18. Master Gopher

    Who else thinks cramming works?

    10+ hours before each exam, anyone? I'm insane, a procrastinator, a perfectionist, obsessive, and lazy. It's not a good combination...
  19. Master Gopher

    Your standards

    You'll die of shame if you get under... 70 You won't tell anyone what you got if you get less than.... 80 I won't be *too* upset with over... 87 You will be satisfied with over... 95 You'll be bloody estatic with over... 97 I am a fool.
  20. Master Gopher

    How many exams do YOU have?

    I have One. I'm accelerated. But we don't get proper stu vac...we only get TWO DAYS, and it's Ancient, which has a helluva lot of content. *is screwed*... Oh well. Least once it's done, I can relax all at once.