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  1. Master Gopher

    On Sparta

    They had coinage (apparantly installed by Lycurgus) consisting of fairly large iron bars, this was intended to make them unweildy and discourage the desire to accumulate large amounts of cash...hence most wealth was in the land and produce gained directly from the helots. Thus not a very...
  2. Master Gopher


    As I think I posted in another thread, I have notes for Bio, but they're not all finsihed. Very complete, cover every dot point. I'll put the done ones in, and the others later (when my matsh exam is over).
  3. Master Gopher

    Physics: Question from 8.2.4 (World communicates)

    See, I know I've had too much caffeine when I can't think of things like that. It was hardly complicated or obscure. *sigh* Thankyou very much. *Goes back to hermit-dom*
  4. Master Gopher

    PIP - Blogging - 1 simple question

    I started right, *right* at the beginning because my friend had one (remember when LJ was invite-only? Yeah, *that* long ago) and it had the word "Journal" in it. I have 26 notebooks filled with journal writing in my room, and I figured if I didn't put some of my blathering online I'd soon have...
  5. Master Gopher

    what text is your english class doing?

    2 Unit: Gatsby; Othello; the Crucible; yada yada. 3 Unit: Heart Of Darkness (Ew, it was dreadful) Apocalypse Now Redux, Heart Of Darkness (the movie) and I did The Big Sleep/Life And Crimes Of Harry Lavender for my personal project.
  6. Master Gopher

    Biology Syllabus Preliminary Thread

    [my anxiety was unfounded, the exam was easy as anything] sinist4, I have no past papers that I haven't scribbled all over etc, but if you can get a study guide from your library they usually have summary questions, or if you have the same textbook as me (heineman Biology), it has a sample...
  7. Master Gopher

    is your teacher trained??

    One in english/history I think, but he only does junior classes, and the other I think some business/commerce type subjects. I don't think we have any teachers that aren't *really* trained except some of the D&T ones only half-know what they're doing w/ some of the subjects, but then I don't...
  8. Master Gopher


    Actually if I didn't stress, I'd never get nice surprises. Like I was freaking out over Bio, and I finished in 1/2 the time, it was an absolute piece of pie. Well, not quite, I shouldn't compare biology to Pie. Pie is just too awesome. Mmm. Pie. Where was I? Yeah, it made me feel more...
  9. Master Gopher


    But but but. If I don't use up all this stress now 1) I will never do anything and 2) I will have so much built up by next year, I shall explode!! I'm lazy enough as is.
  10. Master Gopher

    Physics: Question from 8.2.4 (World communicates)

    In 8.2.4 there is a dot point that says "Describe applications of reflections of light, radio waves and microwaves in information transfer". Now I have convex mirrors/periscopes/all the obvious for light, and AM radio waves reflecting off the ionosphere, but what about microwaves? I've...
  11. Master Gopher

    Anything that you would like?

    A few people have asked about biology notes, I know it's getting kinda late but I've just done my yearly, so soon as I've tidied up/typed all the notes I did (which were quite a lot, and rateh good if I do say so myself :rolleyes: ) I'll submit them. Also as we speak I am doing physics ones...
  12. Master Gopher

    Biology Syllabus Preliminary Thread

    Anything on evolution of the Aust Biota is fine, whatever dot point. My assignment was terrible and I missed lots of notes, I don't have much to work from. Thanks
  13. Master Gopher

    Biology Syllabus Preliminary Thread

    Hey hey, Someone help me!! I'm desperately behind in bio study, the exam is tomorrow morning, and I'm exhausted from doing Eng all weekend. Stupid Gatsby. Stupid Othello. Distracting me from science... I'm good for 8.2 -4, but I was away a lot in Australian Biota and I can't make any notes...
  14. Master Gopher

    Wouldn't be great if you could do the middle ages?!?

    I really want to do the middle bits of history, Napoleonic Wars and all that. I think it's a little narrow just to do Ancient or Modern. We miss so much! (as in, all my favourite stuff :P) Ah well, of course, there's always Uni. The thing is I might not want to do History at Uni at all, so...
  15. Master Gopher

    How did augustus gain and maintain his constitutional position? (revamped)

    Aimee, your quotes from Scullard are incredibly useful, 'cause I don't have access to the book, and I have hardly any modern sources, and the trial is tomorrow!! Thankyou so much for posting this!
  16. Master Gopher

    Julius Caesar

    I'm doing JC (in fact my trial is tomorrow, I'm typing notes now) ...Most of my sources are Plutarch, Suetonius, and a few others like Appian and Cicero, and for modern ones, mostly Grant and a few quotes from Scullard. I don't like it; we didn't spend much time on him in class, I think...
  17. Master Gopher

    Augustus' maintainence of Power

    Thanks again, that covers everything I need for tomorrow. :) It's only a practice exam, but I want to know I can do it for the real one on thrusday.
  18. Master Gopher

    Augustus' maintainence of Power

    Ok, that's all very clear. Would some mention of his propaganda also be of help? (I just thought of that because you mentioned Ovid). Thankyou very much!!
  19. Master Gopher

    Augustus' maintainence of Power

    ....please...the exam is tomorrow.... I have a study guide but it's incredibly vague. I don't want to have to bullshit. Anyone at all??
  20. Master Gopher

    Augustus' maintainence of Power

    I'm currently trying to do some practice essay questions on Augustus' development and then maintainence of power/constitutional position (I'm aware those are different things, it's really 2 questions stuck together in case I get the other one). Anyway I have plenty on the development/rise to...