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  1. BiancaMaree

    Business studies assesment

    my town has like 6 local business' and none are willing :/
  2. BiancaMaree

    Business studies assesment

    hey guys, i have to do a major assesment for business, and its a case study on a small business; anyone got any recommendations for me to do it on? thanks :)
  3. BiancaMaree


    always have my camera with me; photos all the time. i couldnt imagine not having photos to look back upon, i have thosands of ohotos saved to cds and always look back over them :)
  4. BiancaMaree

    does anyone not drink

    i use to drink a fair bit; but ive got a goal now. to stay totally sober until christmas :)
  5. BiancaMaree

    Your First Ever Crush - Where Are They Now?

    my first ever crush ; is sitting next to me :) his my best friend now. in preschool i thought i was gunna marry him :P haha but now in year 11 were best friends and tell each other everything :)
  6. BiancaMaree

    Earliest memories

    moving from sydney to shithole barellan when i was three; remember being in the car and coming into a tiny little town onto a farm.
  7. BiancaMaree

    State Of Origin

    nsw played like shit! friken pissed off bout it ayee! grrr
  8. BiancaMaree


    im a tomboy & was in a realtionship and its still th same really; get along with to them better :)
  9. BiancaMaree

    Work Placement

    im doing my at a pub; at either the vic or the area; gunna be slick :)
  10. BiancaMaree

    Things that annoy you.

    people updating every little bit of there life on facebook 'just cookin tea' 'just ate tea' 'tea was great' 'talking to ....' 'havin a shower bbs' 'going to bed night' 'goodmorning' i mean wtf?!
  11. BiancaMaree

    chicks lovin cars & bikes

    bikes & cars are at bros & arnt going there for a while; and also; my ex was a mechanic, and both my bros in laws are mechanics. so me liking cars & bikes is kinda aviodable lol
  12. BiancaMaree

    The Shittest Movie Ever.

    omgosh i soo agree here :) haha i hate paris hilton; and the only reason i watced house of wax was cause she got killed :) chhhha ching :)
  13. BiancaMaree

    chicks lovin cars & bikes

    well i have two older brothers who have taught me like everythin with cars & bikes so i hav a pretty good understanding lol and am always goin to car & bike shows with them lol
  14. BiancaMaree


    going in to cafe at maccas is a promotion; at maccas in griffith; where i worked for 2 years i was given the oppitunity to promote to cafe at about 6 months but i declinced the promotion as it was really early starts or really late finishs. but if you work in cafe you get a pay rise :)
  15. BiancaMaree

    chicks lovin cars & bikes

    so just a question for everyone; do you find it 'odd' for a chick to be interested in cars & motorbikes; cause i love cars & motorbikes and everyones just like all wow about it and shocked that a chick is interested. dicuss :)
  16. BiancaMaree


    damn; do easier subjects and you will be okay; lol its year 11; lol its not that big of a deal; its year 12 that all matters haha
  17. BiancaMaree

    Question for the ladies

    haha if i marry someone i want them to know what they are doing; and be able to enjoy sex with them :| so lol yeah a non virgin haha
  18. BiancaMaree

    Piercings and Tattoos

    ahh damn aye; i love my skinnys & shit :/ but the piercer that does all my shit wont do them for me cause he doesnt want me to have them :(
  19. BiancaMaree


    i have facebook & myspace; i had bebo; but deleted it, it was horrid lol but i am addicted to facebook & myspace :D haha