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  1. BiancaMaree

    Piercings and Tattoos

    ahh i want them done so much; and no im not fat. lol quite the opposite. lol
  2. BiancaMaree

    Piercings and Tattoos

    i realllllyy want my hip pierced! like sooo much!
  3. BiancaMaree

    Have you ever been heart-broken?

    nah ive only been to my deb this year so far
  4. BiancaMaree

    The McDonald's Thread

    i have finally got out of maccas :) after workin there for two yearsssssss! cheering; thoug i do miss all the people there; but not the boss at all :)
  5. BiancaMaree

    Have you ever been heart-broken?

    oh okay; lol righto then and i do agree that barellan is shit :|
  6. BiancaMaree

    Have you ever been heart-broken?

    haha yes; the tradition of griffith and how do you know barellan? are you from nearr?
  7. BiancaMaree

    Have you ever been heart-broken?

    he was from griffith thou; need i say more; and you always go on bout me living at barellan :/
  8. BiancaMaree

    Have you ever been heart-broken?

    haaa; suree. he got kicked out of his house & everything after we broke up becuase his family found out. so i dont really care and he thought he was all cool showing his new gf off in front of me but i laughed cause shes a slut and has already cheated on him haa
  9. BiancaMaree

    Do you turn heads when you are out with your partner?

    we use to, cause my towns so small & he was an outsider from a nearby town & noone knew him so whenever we were around my town everyone would stare at us wheere ever we went
  10. BiancaMaree

    Have you ever been heart-broken?

    well i kinda was when my ex & me broke up; but that was because he choose drugs over me so it made me feel worthless pretty much, like heaps worthless. but we still loved each other ? i thought haha now we dont talk or anything but im over it all lol
  11. BiancaMaree

    What is love ?

    i tell my best mates i love them; in a totally different sense to 'loving' a bf. when my ex told me he loved me, it was a completly different being told 'i love you' by a bf, rather then 'i love you' from a mate, even a guy mate. because of how we interpret it??? but when gettin told that they...
  12. BiancaMaree

    Year 11 half yearlies.

    have my half yearlys, last week, this week and next. lol should be studying but in a room with four mates talkin & takin photos :) yeahhh
  13. BiancaMaree

    Tans: Yes or no?

    tans YES! real tans thou; i would die without my tan in summer!
  14. BiancaMaree

    Free Periods Good or bad

    we hav a study room at my school & we have our 'frees' in there lol
  15. BiancaMaree

    Facial Piercings

    on a guy; just definatly. lip rings are so hot! my ex has his lip pierced & it was awesome as; also i love eyebrow rings & tounge :D hehe
  16. BiancaMaree

    What bag are you using for school?

    i have a black paul frank bag; getting a purple fox one thou :D
  17. BiancaMaree

    Logging on at School.

    i come on here (BOS) all the time in 'studies' lol and if a teacher comes in i say im reserching stuff for assessments and what not; and my mum works at school so i use her internet log in and get onto youtube :D
  18. BiancaMaree

    Which famous person(s) have you seen/met?

    oh and adam brand james blundel tania kerdegan and a couple of other country singers. lol
  19. BiancaMaree

    Dating your bestfriend?

    yeah; my best guy friend i have; me & him have always had a thing. but just not offical? thou its seeming to become offical kinda lately??
  20. BiancaMaree

    Dating your bestfriend?

    ahh; i would...