Search results

  1. R

    Deferment Policy?

    WTF you on, a chick in my degree just defered and she is doing a tafe couse in the year off.
  2. R

    Safety @ Redfern

    Be grateful he didn't rape you, can never tell with those Africans
  3. R


    I tried to quit 2 weeks ago, lasted a grand total of 3.5 days, hope you have better luck then me
  4. R

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2009)

    I just found some disturbing news out, for one of my core units there is a compulsary 2 day field trip to Canberra, how can the university justify forcing us to go on a fieldtrip
  5. R

    Summer school results

    Sigh, 2 weeks and still waiting
  6. R

    Leisure Time? In Timetable Gaps..

    I just find a nice quiet computer room to bludge around in or catch up on work
  7. R

    Has anyone got their stuent card mailed to them yet??

    got mine today left in mailbox
  8. R

    Who's been mugged before??

    I had an attempted mugging, guy threw a sucker punch at me tried to grab my phone , missed it and ran away. Left me with a split lip and a destroyed shirt cause I couldn't was the blood from the lip of it
  9. R

    Summer school results

    Still waiting :(
  10. R

    Honuors in Economics, Second chance?

    overall credit avergae >70 in economics subjects I believe to be considered for honours Also once you pass a unit I'm pretty sure you can't do it again
  11. R

    Describe your ex relationship in one word

    ex: suicide ex ex: fuckbuddy
  12. R

    Safety @ Redfern

    also carry a bottle that can be converted to a nigger knife if things get nasty
  13. R

    Uni Email help!!

    Oh this is excellent never have to log into usyd mail again, now it all gets sent to my gmail and it deletes it from the usyd inbox.
  14. R

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2009)

    Econ building dah
  15. R

    Uni Email help!!

    Cheers repped
  16. R

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2009)

    Clearly there are plenty of us who havn't recived the piece of paper and I'm sure we can't all be retards who have lost it. Although if I find out the maid threw it out she will be looking for a new job which will be rather difficult with her black eye.
  17. R

    Uni Email help!!

    I'm a bit confused where you enter your unikey and server choice can you clarify this abit
  18. R

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2009)

    Not yet :( Nothing works this damn semester -broken email -no webct -no summer school results -no student card
  19. R

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2009)

    So what is happening with the student card, I havn't got anything in the mail yet, so do I just have to go to the card place in fisher and ask for one?
  20. R

    Summer school results

    They do take forever to process, however uni's arn't exempt I know someone who thought they got fucked over in an exam at UNSW and they freedom of informationed the exam back after the lecturer refused to have an exam review.