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  1. R

    Summer school results

    OMFG this is so frustrating, honestly how long does it take to mark 70 fucking papers and put them into a computer, E&B people pretty much told me to get fucked and wait till it comes out, lecturer ignored my email, summer school office dosn't know shit about anything. FFS uni starts monday...
  2. R

    Summer school results

  3. R

    Summer school results

    OMFG what a load of crap, all I got was that the results will be realeased by the 13th of March. So not fucking helpful, I wonder if I would have any luck with a freedom of information request
  4. R


    Thread search feature, some people still use it lol
  5. R

    I have a friend...

    Which part of my posts says he raped him. Learn to read.
  6. R

    Effects of the Credit Crunch near you

    I still got the same hours, a slightly higher pay and my intrest rate has fallen from 8% to 5% on my savings account.
  7. R

    I have a friend...

    Well you did fuck him in the ass so yes giving him some space would be advisable.
  8. R


    Is it possible to do a major in philosophy rather then an actual BA
  9. R

    Summer school results

    Yeah just sent him an email, he was a nice lecturer so hopefully he will reply.
  10. R

    Summer school results

    Yeah checking through myadmin, suppose I'll just have to wait a few more days
  11. R

    Summer school results

    Hey I was just wondering, does anyone know when summer school results come out
  12. R

    I have a friend...

    I honestly have no advice, such an awkward situation. If religion is such a large part of his life he probably has alot of social ties developed due to religion so by "coming out" he would probably loose those as well which is probably what he fears. Then there is the whole enernity in hell...
  13. R

    Reds are on the Rise?

    Why is this discussion here, we all know the commies are rising hell they are currently in control of fedral parlimant. ALL HAIL CHAIRMAN KRUDD
  14. R

    Summer '08-09 Chatter Thread

    Anyone know when they start releasing summer school marks
  15. R

    Safety @ Redfern

    Where your friends asian?
  16. R

    What is the Australian 'culture'?

    Hard question below are some things I think australian culture encompases: -Beach culture -Sports -Relaxed persona as a nation -Food (BBQ, corn on the cob etc) -Teenage binge drinking (Don't shoot me it's true) -Fucking retards in state government After saying all that I have to add...
  17. R

    Compulsory attendance ??

    Do you really think they will mark a roll in a 200+ lecture, use your brain before asking dumbass questions. Tutes however are usually 70-90% compulsary
  18. R

    Semester 1 Timetables

    Decent timetable wednesday and friday off, 10-3pm monday 2-4pm tuesday and 10-1pm thursday
  19. R

    Personhood starts at conception

    NO me paying taxes so some fucktard who should have been aborted gets the dole is a tradegy. :(
  20. R

    sydney uni village

    Step 1: Buy 20L of petrol and a lighter Step 2: Pour the petrol all over the apartment Step 3: Light a newspaper with lighter and throw on petrol Step 4: Don't worry about breaking the agreement or giving notice