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  1. R

    Results and Predictions (Semester 1 2008)

    Re: Results and Predictions (Sem 1 '08) I agree, hate you all that have results
  2. R

    Results and Predictions (Semester 1 2008)

    Re: Results and Predictions (Sem 1 '08) MKTG1001: Distinction ECOS2001: Pass AGEC2103: Fail/pass (PLESE SCALE THE FINAL EXAM PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE) ECMT2110: EPIC FAIL
  3. R

    Forgot to write SID on exam paper

    Incorrect, I have filled out all my multiple choice with pen last year and it worked fine.
  4. R

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2008)

    Re: Semester 1 Chatter Thread Hmm the lecturer for production economics announced a 3hour tute the day before the exam. Not a good sign in my books
  5. R

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2008)

    Re: Semester 1 Chatter Thread Hmm the lecturer for production economics announced a 3hour tute the day before the exam. Not a good sign in my books
  6. R

    Morning Wake Up Call

    Play an accordian at an inappropriate time and hang out with people of middle eastern apperance?
  7. R

    Semester 2 Timetables

    They us the TC Hall for lectures, that would be so fucking uncomfortable.
  8. R

    Semester 2 Timetables

    Sweet Thursday/Friday off. 14hours of classes and 5h of breaks. I hate going form class to class so I don't mind the breaks all good imo
  9. R

    Do people who apply for selective schools usually get in?

    Lol when i applied to get into Manly (Year 8) i had to have an interview with the councillor bring in year 7 reports and all that mumbo jumbo. Basically what happened he never looked at any of my stuff we just sat there for 30 mins eating cookies and drinking coke while discussing how much the...
  10. R

    Real estate sector

    You might as well invest in Nigeria. They will just steal your money, them indians and if you go over there to sort it out they will steal your kidney as well.
  11. R

    30-second buffer

    No point in arguing or contradicting him, everyone on the forum knows he is full of shit. Usually there is a +/- 10% buffer eg a "5 minute" speech can go between 4minutes and 30 seconds and 5 minutes and 30 seconds without attracting a marking penalty.
  12. R

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2008)

    Re: Semester 1 Chatter Thread THATS A GIRL?????????? I seriously thoguht that was a guy. I know i shouldn't be mean but DAMN
  13. R

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2008)

    Re: Semester 1 Chatter Thread THATS A GIRL?????????? I seriously thoguht that was a guy. I know i shouldn't be mean but DAMN
  14. R

    Person finally charged over explosion at my school, almost a year ago.

    Good blowing up a school should be admired not condemed.
  15. R

    have you ever cried at school?

    If your a muslim how could they see your face to insult it?
  16. R

    underage kids drinking food colourings to get drunk

    Last monday when i was sitting in manning having a beer, the guy that i was having the beer with sold 15 ecstasy tablets in the space of an hour. So yes drugs are easy to get just open your eyes. Also you know those people that sit at bus stops and train stations right next to the rainwater...
  17. R

    Staff Appreciation Thread

    My grandmother is in a wheelchair and i find people go out of their way to help her. Also an invalid is someone with a permant life changing injury, which someone in a wheelchair is, so i think your using the wrong word. Also kudos to the people of Zabelli in mannings who let me jump the que...
  18. R

    4 Letters [Warning]

    Drop out and don't pull the rest of the grade down with you.
  19. R

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2008)

    Re: Semester 1 Chatter Thread WHich subjects offer take home exams they sound so piss easy.
  20. R

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2008)

    Re: Semester 1 Chatter Thread WHich subjects offer take home exams they sound so piss easy.