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  1. R

    Uni Marks

    Yeah does suck was afraid someone was going to say it all counts.
  2. R

    Uni Marks

    Just a quick question, if you fail a unit and redo it again and pass is the failed unit counted in your GPA and degree average or is it discounted and the second attempt counted only.
  3. R

    Union Board Elections 2008

    OMG 6 canditates with five positions and Sasha lost. How uterly disappointing.
  4. R

    Zimbabwe releases $500,000,000 note

    The only way to stop this inflation would be to back the currency with gold aka a gold standard then once the government has enough trust/stability decrease the gold standard to 50%, 40%, 30% etc until it is totally gone.
  5. R

    Union Board Elections 2008

    Alex and Doug put in the most work to get elected. I saw them talking to people everyday. Even though I voted for Sasha because of her liberal based views, if i was a swinging voter there is no way in hell i would have voted for her. Firstly I didn't see her even once during the campaign...
  6. R

    Union Board Elections 2008

    I had a chat with alex today, seems like a nice bloke. Don't see any of the other contenders walking up to me for a chat.
  7. R

    Union Board Elections 2008

    Dirty left wing, liberal party hating, communist. First you bitch about going to war know its about signiture size, when will this ever stop.
  8. R

    Road Trip???

    New P plate laws suck, me and my mates had 3 cars and we drove up to schoolies on the gold coast. Took us 12 days to get up there because we kept stopping in random towns for pubs etc... Warning you though the police will nail you. We got 14 speeding infringments 4 drink driving...
  9. R

    Advantages of being a republic..

    I'm a heavy liberal supporter and a republic suporter as well. Becoming a republic is a step that will take Australia out of its infancy stage and into an influencial nation.
  10. R

    Union Board Elections 2008

    Those are the one's you have to watch out for, the one's that don't look asian but are.
  11. R

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2008)

    Re: Semester 1 Chatter Thread I'm going to meet Justin on Tuesday, he is going to pop my BOS meet cherry :jaw:
  12. R

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2008)

    Re: Semester 1 Chatter Thread I'm going to meet Justin on Tuesday, he is going to pop my BOS meet cherry :jaw:
  13. R

    Young Liberals

    Dude are you serious its going to be 9 degrees tomorrow and the forecast says its windy so I'm not going to uni. Lol jokes I actually have to get my ribs x-rayed to see if they have healed so I won't be at uni. I also ordered a membership kit over the net so all good. However can you tell me...
  14. R

    Young Liberals

    I was there from 8.30 till 9.20 (guy with a million cigarette butts around him looking stressed) but anyway since you made the effort to come (mostly cause you are a liberal) I will vote for SASH
  15. R

    Young Liberals

    So I've always been a liberal, but recently I've decided to get more involved and have been thinking about joining the YL. Can anyone, who is a member, tell me what it's like, what campaigning, projects you do. Also information on how to join. I would look it up but the website seems to be...
  16. R

    Union Board Elections 2008

    Tomorrow I will be sitting outside on the balcony thing at 2nd story manning at 9ish. First person to hand me a campaign leaflet gets my vote. Providing nobody gives me a leaflet i will vote for the first advertising for a campaign i see on my way to my lecture at 10. Can anyone think of...
  17. R

    Austrian woman kept captive by dad, had 7 children [INCEST WARNING: Part II]

    Hmmm I don't get it. She had "cooking" facilities which must have included a knife or a fry pan. Bludgeon or stab the prick, it dosn't take a genious to kill someone. Hell after 24 years she could have tunnelled out with a spoon if she really wanted to.
  18. R

    Happy Birthday Israel!

    Read thee article it is nothing more then a puff piece on why Isreal is good and why Palestine is bad. Also it blames Yasar Arafat for not ending the violence and describes him as a "failed leader" which is a bit rich when under the circumstances I would consider him a great leader. I mean you...
  19. R

    Human Beings Were Nearly Extinct 70,000 Years Ago

    If there was another species ovbiously they where not that smart considering they couldn't prevent their own extinction. Clearly humans are the head honcho, as you put it, in this world.
  20. R

    Happy Birthday Israel!

    I've said it once I've said it a million times the only problem is that Isreal was established in a stupid place. You can see how the arabs are feeling robbed and you can also see how Isreali's don't want to give up their home. If Isreal had originally been established in Northen Africa or...