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  1. R

    Rules for Customers

    No I can't scan your fucking lotto ticket twice (the machine dosn't let you), you lost get over it. No i will not print off the results of for you they are on the wall if you want them write it down. No you can't have a winning ticket back we actually need it if something goes wrong. Porn...
  2. R

    Minimum stay for casual job?

    I'd say 6 months is long enough to get a reference.
  3. R


    Well i got a "move along" order yesterday of which i am very proud of and it only took about 30 minhutes of taunting this chubby cop. Oh so many pig jokes in one day, :)
  4. R

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2008)

    Re: Semester 1 Chatter Thread That is without question the stupidest article I have read in my life, I wasted 2 minutes of my life, I'm going to throw something at you when i see you at uni.
  5. R

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2008)

    Re: Semester 1 Chatter Thread That is without question the stupidest article I have read in my life, I wasted 2 minutes of my life, I'm going to throw something at you when i see you at uni.
  6. R


    Personally I just hung around for an hour so I could taunt the police, don't really give a fuck about the issues of the protest.
  7. R

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2008)

    Re: Semester 1 Chatter Thread I almost got glassed outside Herman's yesterday. Thankfully the guy was pissed and i saw the bottle coming from a mile away. One hell of a adrenaline rush. Even though it was St. Patrick's day still no reason to have a bottle smashed across my head.
  8. R

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2008)

    Re: Semester 1 Chatter Thread I almost got glassed outside Herman's yesterday. Thankfully the guy was pissed and i saw the bottle coming from a mile away. One hell of a adrenaline rush. Even though it was St. Patrick's day still no reason to have a bottle smashed across my head.
  9. R

    What do you love most about Uni?

    I love: -4 day weekends -decent job prospects -endless supply of money from my parents -manning bar -the cute swedish girl in my ecos tute that always asks stupid questions -lighting a bonfirwe in the park outside usyd and drinking with my friends (yes that was us last night)
  10. R

    anyone registering for PASS?

    SEXY TIME No but really Pass will probably be only useful for ECMT. BACK TO SEXY TIME
  11. R

    What's more time consuming...?

    Yeah my problem is i still go out at least twice a week which makes me feel so shithouse. Best time to study i reckon is to get to uni a couple of hours early and stay for a few hours longer.
  12. R

    First year students!

    Oh I can't wait some of the first year mid semester tests to come out, that will show the smart asses who think its easy that uni actually needs work. Make sure you get all your tute participation marks cause you need them
  13. R

    First year students!

    Don't worry by 5th week the uni will be like a graveyard after 50% of the first years drop it.
  14. R

    What's more time consuming...?

    Yeah I do about 2.5 hours a day which is why I am so pleased I am only doing 3 days a week. Studying while travelling is impossible, you can do some background reading but that is all.
  15. R

    What's more time consuming...?

    I have to agree with a few posts, passing uni is easier then the HSc, getting a credit and over is much harder then the HSC. I have found most subjects "give" you 25 or 30 marks but to earn the rest you have to work your anus off.
  16. R

    CLAW1001 Tutorials

    Don't bother going, i did claw1001 last semester and didn't go to a single tutorial and still got a credit.
  17. R

    First year students!

    I'm second year this year and I don't know if i did shit all in first year or what but my workload seems to have trippled.
  18. R

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2008)

    Re: Semester 1 Chatter Thread I smoked a dried banana peel, banana peels don't go down well. It was weird. Also was standing outside fisher when 2 first year asians asked me where the old geology building is, i sent them to the PNR building instead because I am a dick and it was the...
  19. R

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2008)

    Re: Semester 1 Chatter Thread I smoked a dried banana peel, banana peels don't go down well. It was weird. Also was standing outside fisher when 2 first year asians asked me where the old geology building is, i sent them to the PNR building instead because I am a dick and it was the...
  20. R

    Past Papers

    Not exactly true, mid-semester tests are never posted online and I am after those as well.