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  1. R

    Past Papers

    Hey all I'm trying to find past papers for mid term and end of semester exams for the following subjects MKTG1001 ECMT2110 ECOS2001 Does anyone have any of them or know where i am able to get them. Yes i have checked the library's past paper collection, no it is not there.
  2. R

    ECMT1010 thread

    PS: ECMT sucks giant cock in hell in general.
  3. R

    ECMT1010 thread

    Was it Dr. Vasnev by any chance because I got him for regression modelling and i spent the entire 2 hours today trying not to crack up, the jokes are so funny and the accent just adds to the humour
  4. R

    does EVERYONE change their timetable?

    First semester I didn't have to change it, got thursdays and fridays off. The only problem is 2X2h gaps but I've had 4hour gaps before so i gueess i can deal with it.
  5. R

    Food expenses

    what do you people eat i seriously struggle to keep my food budget under $120-150 a week. I mean seriously pork strips cost $15 per kilo about the same for steak and fish. Then again i have pretty much an all meat diet so that would explain some of the costs but still it would not explain my...
  6. R

    Xbox 360 Pro for $499 + four free games!

    I'm gonna buy this on monday how do i get the free games
  7. R

    how to become a photographer

    Take a picture of a politician/celebrity doing something emberassing and sell it to the tabloids, easy.
  8. R

    advice please

    Your not meant to like your job, suck it up and work.
  9. R

    Tafe Pathways into Sydney Uni

    You can, but if your too lazy/stupid/unmotivated to get the UAI to get in straight to uni, you probablt shouldn't even bother.
  10. R

    Semester 2 Chatter Thread (2007)

    Re: Semester II Chatter Thread! Hi all, tried to pre-enrol today, what a disaster that turned out to be, Anyways onto my question, where can i find a list of courses that i have to do for next year, AKA core courses
  11. R

    DRAFT Exam Timetable Released (Sem 2, 2007)

    OMFG where the hell is my lynching rope. Just joking, if someone is going to attack you over something you can't change, it says a whole lot more about them then you. Anyway you should all probably ignore my little rant, I was just pissy at my exam timetable.
  12. R

    DRAFT Exam Timetable Released (Sem 2, 2007)

    You've got to be kidding, I would happily concede 10 marks to have my exams in the morning and you actually have 1 in the morning and want to move it. Morning exams are so much better, you get it over and done with without stressing all day, your fresh n the morning and well rested, and all this...
  13. R

    SRC Elections '07

    Alrighty I can't be bothered reading this entire thread. Could someone PM who the person that is most alligned with the liberal/national party so I can vote for them. Cheers
  14. R

    Trade kidney for ECMT1020 Assignment

    Well not really a kidney but i would be most appreciative if someone would send me last years ECMT1020 assignment (not the question, the answers). If by some miracle someone does post it up can you also tell me what you got. Thanks.
  15. R

    Yet another UAI prediction- Over 80???

    Unless the sniper is Chuck Norris, he would still headshot you even if blind.
  16. R

    uni, tafe..?? what path should i choose? any advice please

    Thats what i thought as well, but then the UAI results came out and i thought to myself, "WOW i am really smart". THen someone told me the UAI is actually a comparison to the rest of the year and i thought to myself, "WOW i am really dumb but the majority of people are even dumber".
  17. R

    uni, tafe..?? what path should i choose? any advice please

    Alrighty I hate to be the bearer of bad news but someone needs a reality check. ART WILL NOT GET YOU ANYWHERE IN LIFE. (Apart from working in a sleezy strip joint with old married man starring at your cunt while drooling.) Anyway now that's out of the way, harden the fuck up, put your head...
  18. R

    end of year scavenger hunts!

    I love scavanger hunts, and have done heaps, some ofg the funnest and most ammusing things sthat i have gotten are: 1. The "W" from a woolworths sign. 2. Ronald McDonald from a maccas childrens playground. 3. Speed camera (take a welding kit, it will make life easier). 4. Something that...
  19. R

    UAI Prediction pls!

    Your "friend" qill get around 70 UAI. Congrats/Bad Luck. (depends what you percieve as good.
  20. R

    I know it's been asked a lot... but UAI PREDICTION!

    Well you fucked up, if you where to majorly ace your external exams (I'm talking 95+ raw mark for all 10 units) you would just hit 75UAI, maybe. If you are so keen on going to university, drop out now and redo the HSC at tafe. Don't forget year 12 starts in 6 or so weeks, so make up your mind...