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  1. R

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2008)

    Re: Semester 1 Chatter Thread Me+You, Manning Bar toilets, will comfort you long time
  2. R

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2008)

    Re: Semester 1 Chatter Thread Me+You, Manning Bar toilets, will comfort you long time
  3. R

    11 units vs 10units

    Having 11 units SAVED my HSC. I did so bad in 2u math and that 1 extra unit of english absouloutly saved my mark. I reckon it made 5-10 UAI difference. Worth the trouble of doing it in my opinion.
  4. R

    School bars same-sex partners at formals

    Yeah but lezo's are hot gay guys are just fucking disgusting
  5. R

    Given up hope of 90 UAI, anyone?

    With an attitude like that you might as well neck yourself (or pick-up a trade).
  6. R

    Why is it so hard to find a job?

    Re: Why is it so hard to find a fucking job? You sound like a smart educated woman. You intimidate my manhood, I would not hire you.
  7. R

    Why is it so hard to find a job?

    Re: Why is it so hard to find a fucking job? LOL for somereason when i read this i saw "liberal" instead of "labour" and thought to myself, "she should be shot for treason" and now that i read it properly, i absouloutly agree.
  8. R

    People who continue to write after time's up.

    Negative, for our english trials we had 2, 2h exams so we could mimick the HSC and yes she had to take it immediatly after and she got *from memory* 28/50 and this was a solid band 6 student.
  9. R

    Taking Drinks into the exam room??????

    If the retard couldn't remember the name of a author he would have gotten 0 anyway. I mean you spend 10 weeks studying a text, you should know who wrote it without needing a prompt.
  10. R

    People who continue to write after time's up.

    45 minute penalty on a 2 hour exam is a killer espacially after you spent the last 2 hours writing.
  11. R

    Rules for Customers

    I agree with the calculator thing. It shits me to no end when someone tells me that i ripped them of at lotto. I can't rip them of because the machine does not make mistakes and yes the games get slightly cheaper if you buy more so when the guy infront of you buys 100 games for $100 and you buy...
  12. R

    People who continue to write after time's up.

    Don't do it, HSC english trials a girl in my school kept writing about 30 seconds after pens down was called and the head english teacher took her exam and put it in a paper shredar in front of everyone as an exampe. The girl was was allowed to do the exam again straight after with 45minute...
  13. R

    NSW Police Force

    It's 18 months training then 12 months probation and yes you do get a job straight away. However don't become a cop for the following reasons. 1. Shit pay 2. Nobody likes you 3. Worst shifts ever when you start 4. Your personal life is no longer your personal life 5. I will not hesitate...
  14. R

    The Woolworths Thread

    Got a $44.95 kettle free from coles cause it scanned up as $45.95, i was so happy.
  15. R

    What's your job and how much you earn?

    19 Lotto Clerck 23.20 p/h + double time on sundays
  16. R

    Cotton On.. :@

    Call the workplace relations line before Kevin "I suck giant black penis all night after putting it in my ass to make it black" Rudd scraps it, they will sort you out.
  17. R

    looking for a job over 100k when graduate?

    Travelling to rural areas a fair bit, if u want higher pay then to other countries such as PNG and so, basically developing countries. The degree is four years although the final one can be a reaserch year if you so choose. The degree also consists of 60 days work experience. Basically you...
  18. R

    looking for a job over 100k when graduate?

    In my field (agricultural economics) there is such a shortage of graduates that 100k is pretty much the minimum straight out of uni. Only problem is you need to do alot of travelling.
  19. R

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2008)

    Re: Semester 1 Chatter Thread OMG just had to reply, in my first microeconomics tute the tutor wrote a question on the bored and a chick got up told him it was wrong, rubbed it off the board, wrote up her answer then went "oh no you where right this is the answer to the next question". I...
  20. R

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2008)

    Re: Semester 1 Chatter Thread OMG just had to reply, in my first microeconomics tute the tutor wrote a question on the bored and a chick got up told him it was wrong, rubbed it off the board, wrote up her answer then went "oh no you where right this is the answer to the next question". I...