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  1. R

    Cravings for Studying - am I the only one?

    My idea of study is having a document open in the background while watching freaky lesbian videos on the internet (don't even ask what kind of shit I've seen, It'll give you nightmares), so in essence you could say I have been studying all holidays.
  2. R

    Blackboard Question

    When is Blackboard going to update itself so that it displays the semester 2 subjects.
  3. R

    Whu r b u voting 4

    $1 water is not below cost. I do all the drink ordering for work (small newsagency) and a 600ml bottle of mt franklin water costs 53c to buy including delivery. The university is massive so it coul;d use its purchasing power to get it even cheaper.
  4. R

    Someone please explain this to me

    Racial profiling is perfectly fine because quite frankly nobody has the time to meet all 6 billion people out there. I'm sure there is an exception to every rule but you can get a pretty clear picture by stereotyping.
  5. R

    Need Help

    YOu know instead of spamming you could get off your ass and do it yourself. I'd help you but i did physical journey's and i only ended up gettin 80 in the HSC anyway.
  6. R

    Teachers NOT at School??????

    Have a cry, last year my class went through 6 "perment" teachers and about 8 casuals and we all still managed to do alright in the HSC. Just suck it up, read the textbook, hassle whatever substitute you get and you will be fine.
  7. R

    Chill out people - the HSC isn't that hard

    Alright this might sound like a rant but i do have the best intentions at heart. I've spent alot of times reading about how people are stressed out and scared of getting a crappy UAI. Well trust me it's hard to get a crap UAI, I ended up getting 82.5 with little study. The majority of my...
  8. R

    Timetable Question

    Hey, just a quick question. I have a 1h lecture on wensdays and thats it, Would i miss much/result in any consequences, if i skipped it the majority of the time. The subject is ECMT10101 (Buisness and Economics Statistics A) if that makes any difference.
  9. R

    Timetable Question

    Hi, does anyone know when first years will get their timetable, because ireally need mine in order to organise work around it.
  10. R

    Top 'speed' done and where?

    Not sure the speedo maxes out at 180 (yep you guessed it jap car). Anyway that was down wakehurst parkway on the day i got my P's at about 2am. For those of you who don't know wakehurst parkway has no lights whatsoever and i was absolutly pssing myself.
  11. R

    Band 5 cutoff?

    70ish maybe closer to the 72-73 mark
  12. R


    moderate- the questions wern't that hard
  13. R

    General Thoughts: Economics 2006

    Yeah i thought it was a pretty good exam as well. A bit harder then 2005 if you ask me but not too bad.
  14. R

    Estimate Your Raw Mark.

    around 86 raw it was a pretty good test. I dropped 2 in multiple choice, around 4 in short asnwers and i reckon about 8 in essays
  15. R

    How Many Pages Did You Write?

    There are a lot of bullshit artists on these forums. I wrote 10 pages for the essay and 8.25 for the story and I was damn happy with that. For my trials I wrote 6 pages for each and got 38/50 and I go to the 27th ranked school in the state so I'm confident the teachers know how to mark. For...
  16. R

    How many pages did you write? [Merged]

    Re: How many pages did you write? Section 1: 7 pages Section 2: 5 pages Section 3: 7 pages But rember its quality over quantity
  17. R

    someone predict my uai pleaaase!!!! I'm dying here!!

    Since your school is in the bottom 50 i higly doubt it. I reckon maybe 80-83 UAI. Which is bad luck because if you where at a good school it would have been 90 easily.
  18. R

    Yes Another UAI prediction

    yeah thats what i meant 2unit maths not general
  19. R

    Yes Another UAI prediction

    Just an update i found that last year the school was ranked 27th in the state. Hope that helps
  20. R

    Yes Another UAI prediction

    Alright i am feeling a little stressed out so i need a prediction to hopefully boost my confidence. English(advanced) 94th/147 --70% English extention 1 35th/50 -- 75% Maths advanced 100th/115 ---60%(no need to rub it in) Software 4th/11 -----90% Economics...