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  1. R

    What Bands?

    For a >90 UAI you would need around 3 band 6's and 2 band 5's. Second question can't be answered as you have not posted your ranks.
  2. R

    Economics is so boring

    HSC economics is great (yet so simple), university micro/macro makes me want to curl up into a ball and cry.
  3. R

    student strike at APEC

    I would go but I: 1. Support the government. 2. Don't see it as anything but a massive waste of time. 3. Police resources will be tied up with APEC so this will be the ideal time to go on a destructive drunken rampage without getting arrested. 4. Will be recovering from a hang-over. That is all.
  4. R

    John Laws' Opinion on Asian Drivers

    I agree with John Laws, Asians are the worst drivers. I mean its not that fucking hard to change lanes, change gears, INDICATE, yet they always seem to fuck it up, espacially Asian cabbies and Asian women. John Law's isn't rascist (well he is but not on this point), this purley a freedom of...
  5. R

    SDD assignment

    USB and friefox are neither emerging nor recently developed. What you should have chosen are 5th Generation Languages. ie "artificial inteligence" languages and analysed how they are going to effect the SD cycle. ie. Will it be necissary to go through all the steps, will people loose jobs due...
  6. R

    Centralised Timetable

    Stupid thing hides the URL, but you can access it through MyUni.
  7. R

    Using a laptop in University exams

    They might as well just give you the degree, save alot of time and effort for themselves. I'm not having a dig at you specifically but at the whole system in general. Special provisions should only go so far, not to a point where they make competion blatently unfair. It's like letting 2 extra...
  8. R

    Subject Statistics?

    Hi, Where can i find statistics for each subjeceg. the pass rate, students enrolled etc. More specifically I am looking for statistics for subjects from the buisness and economics faculty.
  9. R

    Snowball 2007

    You stole his glasses? You sick fuck, poor guy/girl is probably talking to a tree thinking it's a hot guy/girl.
  10. R

    july 28 right to be born rally

    How can you argue the the fetus is not part of the female body during pregnancy. For starters the fetus is attached to the body by the ambilical cord through which it needs to survive. Using your argument that the fetus is not part of the females body the female should have the right to...
  11. R

    Semester 2 Chatter Thread (2007)

    Re: OFFICIAL Semester 2, 2007 Thread Well you got to check if they are still there every now and then don't you. And I'm sorry it took so long to respond to this, i only had one free hand
  12. R


    FFS posting the ENTIRE book on the net does not wreck it for everyone, posting a few pages or telling people what happens is what wrecks it for everyone.
  13. R


    Yay I can finally sum it up for people that can't be bothered reading it. -Harry get hit with the killing curse and lives to tell the tale again (go figure) -voldemort kills himself accidnetly -snape is good and killed dumbldore on his orders -Mrs Weasly kills Beatrix -Dobby get impaled -Mad...
  14. R

    Post your Semester 2 (2007) timetable

    Re: Post your Semester 2 timetable timetable is screwed anyway, where do i go, student center?
  15. R

    Post your Semester 2 (2007) timetable

    Re: Post your Semester 2 timetable Hey, I'm hoping someone will be able to help me out, I need to move 2 of my tuts to another time but can't do it online no matter how much i fiddle around, can someone tell me who do i have to see to have it changed manually.
  16. R

    Cravings for Studying - am I the only one?

    Ah Stazi if you where only woman with an amputated leg, I'd marry you.
  17. R

    Cravings for Studying - am I the only one?

    How do you find out which textbooks you need
  18. R

    Cravings for Studying - am I the only one?

    I'll give you a few clues. It involves an amputee, a hollow metal pipe and a blowtorch. I think you can piece it all together.
  19. R

    Cravings for Studying - am I the only one?

    Much more disturbing then that.
  20. R


    Anyway to skip the hawt sex and hanging out with you and just get the free beer.:rofl: