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  1. youraverageangel

    2024 HSC Chat

    yo thats cool what language??
  2. youraverageangel

    2024 HSC Chat

    lie down on the wide dandelion-infested grassy hill near my house and just stare at the clouds for some time because war is finally over.
  3. youraverageangel

    Who is your faveeeee music artist?

  4. youraverageangel

    2024 HSC Chat

    brother your signature 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️
  5. youraverageangel

    2024 HSC Chat

    this thing haunts me in my sleep
  6. youraverageangel

    atar question

    dude I asked my english teacher that and he was like 'ranks don't matter' BESTIE YES THEY KINDA FUCKING DO-
  7. youraverageangel

    atar question

    my dumbass school doesnt allow us to know our ranks smh
  8. youraverageangel

    atar question

    i entered my current internals into the hscninja calculator and it spat out 88.20 ± 2.30 is there still hope for a 95+??
  9. youraverageangel

    What are your weirdest habits?

    agressive, compulsive and subconscious leg bobbing 💀
  10. youraverageangel

    2024 HSC Chat

    fr bro our english teacher love it tho and i swear half of the things he says go in thru one ear and out the other 💀 hes got like posters of alpaca alpacino in his room and it just fuels my hate for him
  11. youraverageangel

    2024 HSC Chat

    it always hits me in english like istg ive slept through half of richard iii and have no idea wtaf is going on 💀
  12. youraverageangel

    What's your no-atar backup?

    not expected from u of all ppl bestie
  13. youraverageangel

    Module 5 HELP PLS

  14. youraverageangel

    Module 5 HELP PLS

    doesn't give the answer
  15. youraverageangel

    Module 5 HELP PLS

    OH SHI NVM but fr tho was i right T-T
  16. youraverageangel

    Module 5 HELP PLS

    dude im getting 33.8m 😭😭😭 is that right
  17. youraverageangel

    What's your no-atar backup?

    Go for the lower atar backup then ace it then transfer into dream degree in a few years
  18. youraverageangel

    Math resources

    not the one ik mb