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  1. Paroissien

    Getting Around At ANU!

    Where is Daley Road?
  2. Paroissien

    Getting Around At ANU!

    That walk seemed too damn far for me, but I guess I'll have to get used to it. That, or buy a bike
  3. Paroissien

    Problems with dorm offers anyone?

    Where are you headed?
  4. Paroissien

    how do i get here

    I have a feeling he is bullshitting
  5. Paroissien

    Fenner Hall Question

    And keep in mind residents would not be in Fenner Hall during PEA day, or at least the vast majority
  6. Paroissien


    Why bother digging it up then? Although I guess it could help others in a similar position
  7. Paroissien

    The question we all hate

    You don't want to do law, law stinks
  8. Paroissien

    Doing BArts, choosing a 2nd major to complement history

    Why is going with Rome, being different?
  9. Paroissien


    Do they give us a timetable, or is it our responsibility?
  10. Paroissien

    Anyone Going 5th Of Feb?

    I don't even think I got an invite, but I wouldn't be going anyway
  11. Paroissien

    Problems with dorm offers anyone?

    At Ursula they said they are evening up the ratio of boys to girls this year, when in the past more girls have been selected. Maybe that contributes...
  12. Paroissien

    Problems with dorm offers anyone?

    I applied in the first week of applications and got my first preference, so I assumed it was first come, first served, but it sounds like its not... Interesting
  13. Paroissien

    Problems with dorm offers anyone?

    What do they use to select though? They know virtually nothing about us
  14. Paroissien

    Problems with dorm offers anyone?

    That's right sadly
  15. Paroissien

    Problems with dorm offers anyone?

    Jeez, you got screwed over. That really shouldn't happen
  16. Paroissien

    Problems with dorm offers anyone?

    What is the AISC hotel anyway?
  17. Paroissien

    Question about PEA day

    I'm taking dad for the same reason
  18. Paroissien

    which summary?

    Or do what I did. Just copy out someone elses notes. The information sinks in, and you don't really have to think. Win, win
  19. Paroissien

    Question about PEA day

    Is it the done thing for Mum to come with, or is it time to strike it our alone?