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  1. Paroissien

    Hands up who's cramming

    Na, I'm just revising
  2. Paroissien

    Environmental problem with Silver oxide batteries?

    You've got hours: Anode: Zn + 2OH- ---> ZnO + H2O + 2e- Cathode: Ag2O + H2O + 2e- ---> 2Ag + 2OH-
  3. Paroissien

    Environmental problem with Silver oxide batteries?

    Na, but you would want to know the reduction and oxidation equations
  4. Paroissien

    indicators range/color

    Methyl: red ---> yellow Bromo: yellow ---> blue Pheno: colourless ---> red Litmus: red ---> blue
  5. Paroissien

    Precipitation Reactions

    I only said that in reference to the colour of precipitates, and the range isn't too great
  6. Paroissien

    Microscopic membrane filters

    How small is NaCl anyway, in terms of nm
  7. Paroissien

    What biopolymer are you doing?

    I suggest you call it alcaligenes eutrophus
  8. Paroissien

    The importance of structure

    Still, I woudn't feel comfortable doing a table. I'll get by though
  9. Paroissien

    Precipitation Reactions

    Meh. It's not hard to remember
  10. Paroissien

    coordinate covalent bond

    One atom provides BOTH electrons to make the bond
  11. Paroissien

    Microscopic membrane filters

    Where did you pick that 'fact' up from?
  12. Paroissien

    calculating EMF's

    Galvanic from the syllabus
  13. Paroissien

    The importance of structure

    Yeah, I now withdraw that comment in light of this new evidence
  14. Paroissien

    Some Questions!!

    1. You don't need to know why.
  15. Paroissien

    Listing the BIG questions

    You would be asked to assess or detail the steps in purification of mass water supply. I doubt it would be 7, but there is a 5 mark question on it in 2002
  16. Paroissien

    The importance of structure

    Are we talking actual tables where you have say two columns, three rows, etc.?
  17. Paroissien


    As do I. Makes the whole thing a lot easier
  18. Paroissien

    Microscopic membrane filters

    They filter solutes, particles and microorganisms
  19. Paroissien

    Expected Mark

    But the average is of those who post there UAI, which will generally be the ones who are proud of it. It really isn't much of an indication
  20. Paroissien

    2 Simple questions i dont know

    First one I'd say: increased molecular weight, means increased chain length resulting in greater dispersion forces between molecules EDIT: Yeah, what she said