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  1. Paroissien


    I'm guessing the discharge tube would excite the electrons so then you can observe the emission spectra
  2. Paroissien

    Formation of acid rain

    I find it easier just to put S (in compounds) + O2 ---> SO2 It's always worked for me
  3. Paroissien

    What radioisotopes are you doing?

    That's good to know as I was starting to get worried about an industrial radioisotope
  4. Paroissien


    You observe it through a spectroscope and you'll see many lines of many different wavelengths
  5. Paroissien

    Freaking out

    Na I'm ready
  6. Paroissien

    dry cells

    MnO2 + 2NH4+ + 2e- ----> MnO + 2NH3 + H2O Is that what we have now?
  7. Paroissien

    Ethene and Ethanol

    Wow. That's awesome. It makes so much sense now don;t know why that never clicked before
  8. Paroissien


    Fed from bottom of refluxing apparatus, leaves top
  9. Paroissien

    dry cells

    Other than that is his equation correct?
  10. Paroissien

    Atmospheric Ozone Concentrations

    How is this determined?
  11. Paroissien


    Esterification is endothermic thus increased temp results in increased yield. Refluxing is used to prevent the loss of volatile reactant and products as they are cooled preventing escape. Allows esterification to be performed a higher temp than normally possible
  12. Paroissien

    dry cells

    Cheers, but I didn't inspect it too closely
  13. Paroissien

    CO2 Solubility Equilibrium

    You sure about that? Ive got: CO2 + H2O <---> H+ + HCO3-
  14. Paroissien

    dry cells

    Yeah I know, I used to go with that one, but it looks to messed up. The one I posted is Xayma's and he knows what he is talking about
  15. Paroissien


    We do not need this.
  16. Paroissien

    Chemist in Industry

    Absolutely positive. They can asked about a branch of science, not a named scientist
  17. Paroissien

    Hands up who's cramming

    lol. He's just trying to justify his lacking of study, and he'll realise in a few months his life isn't going anywhere
  18. Paroissien

    dry cells

    2Mn2O + 2NH4 + 2e- ---> Mn2O2 + NH3 + 2H2O
  19. Paroissien

    CO2 Solubility Equilibrium

    How many equations would that be? I've seen this equilibrium represented by 1, 2 and 4 equations
  20. Paroissien

    Monitoring phosphate levels + dissolved oxygen

    Na. Oxygen sensor electrode is good enough to monitor DO