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  1. J

    Prelim 2016 Maths Help Thread

    2u: Geometric applications of calculus 3u: harder parametrics and circle geo/ext 1 curve sketching 4u: complex numbers
  2. J

    Volume Question

    The arc kinda kinda shows which angle it is for me
  3. J

    HSC Physics Marathon 2017

    $\noindent$ a=\frac{(v_{y}-u_{u})}{t} \\ \Rightarrow t=\frac{(v_{y}-u_{u})}{a} \\ = \frac{0-400\sin 30}{-9.8} \\ \therefore $ time to reach max point = $ 20.4s \\ \Rightarrow $ time to reach the other end $= 2 \cdot 20.4 = 40.8s\\ \therefore x=v_{x}t \\ = 400\cos 30 \cdot 40.8\\ \approx 14139$m$
  4. J

    2017ers Preliminary Chit Chat Thread

    HSC starts yayayay :D
  5. J

    Prelim Physics Thread

    use \frac{I_{1}}{I_{2}}=\frac{{d_{2}}^{2}}{d{_{1}}^{2}}
  6. J

    Can anyone solve these locus problems?

    $\noindent$ \sqrt{(x-3)^2+(y-2)^2}=2|y+1| \\ (x-3)^2+(y-2)^2=4(y+1)^2 \\ x^2-6x+9+y^2-4y+4=4y^2+8y+4 \\ x^2-6x+9-3y^2-12y=0
  7. J

    Do people think the maths HSC will be harder this year?

    I guess there will be more interesting and harder Qs, I prefer questions that requires a lot of think rather than just plugging stuff into the formula anyways
  8. J

    Cambridge Prelim MX1 Textbook Marathon/Q&A

    Re: Year 11 Mathematics 3 Unit Cambridge Question & Answer Thread 13a $\noindent The parabola is the locus of all points equidistant from the focus and the directrix.$\\ PA=PM, $ where P is the point on the parabola, A is the focus, M is a point on the directrix$.\\ \therefore...
  9. J

    Prelim Physics Thread

    Drawing a small diagram may help. Since they want the depth of the sea floor, ignore the first reflection. So the waves return after 0.20s. This means that in 0.20s, the wave traveled from the surface to the sea floor, and back again to the surface. So if I let x be the depth of the sea floor...
  10. J

    Prelim Physics Thread

    I guess so. Electric field strength is a vector, and so you do need direction
  11. J

    Few past paper questions i cant do

    I think you got confused with the diameter
  12. J

    Few past paper questions i cant do

    for q1 for two curves to be tangent, their gradients must be equal at their points of contact. We know the gradient of the line is 3, so the gradient of the curve must also be 3 at the points of contact. So find the derivative of x^3 and find the solutions for which it is equal to 3. Now these...
  13. J

    2017ers Preliminary Chit Chat Thread

    Welcome to bos! Good luck and have fun in the exams :)
  14. J

    Student's Guide to Scientific Skills

    wooow watta legend!
  15. J

    2017ers Preliminary Chit Chat Thread

    Nah he is probably shocked cause maybe some schools only give dux for yr 12 idk haha
  16. J

    2017ers Preliminary Chit Chat Thread

    Don't really know haha
  17. J

    2017ers Preliminary Chit Chat Thread

    Lol that's a pity and ye my math teacher marks it really quick, in like 3-4 days haha