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  1. J

    HSC 2017 Predictions Thread [MX2]

    Mx2 in general = gg
  2. J

    2017ers Chit-Chat Thread

    HAHAHA yeh its totally normal! i used to take ages too, but the more paper you do, the faster you get haha hf with meth
  3. J

    Notes on my HSC progress and aim

    I concur
  4. J

    Notes on my HSC progress and aim

    woahh congratulations on the dux you legend!!
  5. J

    Interviews for E12?

    patience is a virtue my friend jkjk gl, hope you get in soon mate
  6. J

    2017ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Wednesday :'( Thursday is grad gonna really miss school and the people welp gotta look forward to uni now!
  7. J

    Is there hope?!

    Yup gotta take into consideration your rank as this exam mark is averaged out with your assessment mark (which is dependent on the cohort/rank) and the actual exam pressure But yes it's possible!
  8. J

    HSC 2017 MX2 Marathon (archive)

    Re: HSC 2017 MX2 Marathon $ Let $S_{\left ( n,k \right ) }= k+kk+kkk+... +\underbrace{kkkk...k}_{\text{n number of k's}} $ where ${n,k} \in \mathbb{Z}: n>0$ and $ 0<k<10 \\ \\$ Example 1: $ S_{\left ( 5,3 \right ) } = 3+33+333+3333+33333 \\$ Example 2 $: S_{\left ( 4,2 \right ) } =...
  9. J

    Atar estimate please!

    99.95 bro ;)
  10. J

    ATAR estimate please!

    Hmm you have some really good ranks there, especially in maths I'd guess at least a 99.95 and some state ranks :)
  11. J

    Hardest Questions In HSC maths?

    ah yes that a beautiful question
  12. J

    Do you like it

    very fun and interesting indeed
  13. J

    Fave 3U topic??

    haha thanks mate :D aw tyvm ms bonquiqui :)
  14. J

    HSC Physics Question

    Yes its D
  15. J

    HSC 2017 MX2 Integration Marathon (archive)

    Re: HSC 2017 MX2 Integration Marathon long time no integrals here's a couple of good ones to try out! $\noindent $ \int \frac{x^2-2}{\left ( x^4+5x^2+4 \right )\tan^{-1}\left ( x+\frac{2}{x} \right )}$ d$x \\ \\ \\ \int e^x\left ( \frac{1-x}{1+x^2} \right ) ^2$ d$x \\ \\ \\ \int \frac{\sin...
  16. J


  17. J

    Thoughts on 2017 4U CSSA

    Its alright my friend, learn from the mistakes and try harder in your next trial :'(
  18. J

    Cramming success stories?

    ^ yup can confirm, and he achieved some pree great marks OP, unfortunate you have 2 exams, but u got this mate!