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  1. Ellztrap

    2023 ATAR/HSC Marks

    For anyone freaking out about your (impending) ATAR, just remember, my atar was in the low 60’s. Yet I’m responsible for people’s lives. just remember that.
  2. Ellztrap

    2024 HSC Chat

    Sonographers can make good money (especially if you’re willing to work rural)
  3. Ellztrap

    2024 HSC Chat

    Had no clue what to do when I finished HS, just wanted to go to uni for the excuse to move out of home. I thought maybe teaching, but decided to look at health related careers instead. Wanted to do radiation technology and be a rad tech in a hospital, but I only got early entry for a uni in the...
  4. Ellztrap

    In a big dilemma… need opinions

    After reading the thread about not going to school, I’d say defs move back. 2.5hrs travel time is way too long, especially if it’s to somewhere you hate. Your marks will suffer. I went to a small school with 6 kids in my year, yet the cohort after me (3 kids) 2 of them managed to get into med...
  5. Ellztrap

    2024 HSC Chat

    Nothing better than a day sleep. Tbh tho all nighters aren’t good for long term health, don’t become nocturnal.
  6. Ellztrap

    2024 HSC Chat

    I feel they can work well if you let yourself sleep after. currently on 3rd all nighter this week ;)
  7. Ellztrap

    2024 HSC Chat

    Practicing for shift work? Going to work at 7pm and getting home at 7:30am, sleeping till 5pm, one day off then have to get up and start work at 7am-7:30pm rip Rinse repeat. Don’t be a nurse.
  8. Ellztrap

    how do know what i want to do in university?

    It’s hard. Tbh like when I was looking at uni all the courses that interested me were ones where there’s a set job for the course example: pharmacy, education, nursing, midwifery etc. which I guess made it easier to pick the course, if you wanna be a nurse you do a bachelors of nursing, if you...
  9. Ellztrap

    BoS meet up

    Literally how I met my fiancé - off BOS, met under the big sign at central station also I went to a meet once! Won’t be able to come this year cause I’m (hopefully) moving house
  10. Ellztrap

    colleen hoover

    I have been told icebreaker is like that. I want something good to read to get a little life out of my head.
  11. Ellztrap

    colleen hoover

    Just read verity by Coleen Hoover, not the biggest fan TBH it’s semi predictable and I don’t get any real emotional feelings from it Also heaps of smut in there that’s not needed
  12. Ellztrap

    “Book Club”?

    A little life. I cried on night shift at work reading it. That shits fucked up and I can’t stop thinking about it. If my mental health was what it use to be I’d be screwed.
  13. Ellztrap

    “Book Club”?

    I’m currently reading a little life, enjoying it. Need more time to read it tbh
  14. Ellztrap

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    Ok but like I think I’d actually die if I had to do the HSC again - gross In my non HSC and work related learning tonight I read: Mechanical ventilation learning package, and answered all the questions And Emergency airway management and answered all the questions I’m doing my advanced life...
  15. Ellztrap

    If you could go back in time to the beginning of Year 12 and tell yourself something, OR change one thing you did in year 12, what would it be?

    In saying that though, I am very happy with my life and how things have turned out so maybe I wouldn't tell myself anything.
  16. Ellztrap

    If you could go back in time to the beginning of Year 12 and tell yourself something, OR change one thing you did in year 12, what would it be?

    I am not year 12, but I would tell my year 12 self 1. GTFO of home 2. Drop out, do dip of nursing and then work as an EN while doing bachelors 3. Things will be ok
  17. Ellztrap

    Post Trials What should I be doing??

    Also idk if this will help anyone but like even if you don’t get the atar you want or into the degree you want you can still do lots of stuff get into thing with different pathways ETC and like in years to come no one really cares about atar. The only person who mentions it in my life is from...
  18. Ellztrap

    Post Trials What should I be doing??

    Idk I feel like leading up to trials you give it your all and then after trials it’s like hard to gain the motivation to continue the grind for the exams 🤷‍♀️ I mean I did only get an atar in the mid-low 60’s so like I did give up from the beginning of year 11 lol
  19. Ellztrap

    Post Trials What should I be doing??

    I always likened the time between trials and exams to this part of Robert frost “ For I have had too much Of apple-picking: I am overtired Of the great harvest I myself desired. “
  20. Ellztrap

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    Could always go to UC ;) Gg social life