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  1. Ellztrap

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    My logbook of learning for tonight (so far) - Read three sections of the advanced life support textbook - learnt the sequence of adrenaline/amiodorone administration during cardiac arrest - reading a module on invasive ventilation, and describing the modes of ventilation
  2. Ellztrap

    Should there be an Aboriginal voice to parliament?

    I remember in high school one of the big “arguments” against same sex marriage was about this gay couple who had a kid and broke up and then the father who the kid stayed with had multiple partners, and the school literally blamed the gayness on the kid hating the father because he had multiple...
  3. Ellztrap

    Barbie or Oppenheimer?

    Watched Barbie, seeing Oppenheimer on the 4/8. Barbie was different, but better than expected. I really enjoyed Barbie, as did the group of people I went with.
  4. Ellztrap

    Progress Logbook (NO OFF TOPIC PLS)

    I only got an atar in the 60’s, however I did put little to no effort into the HSC. But wouldn’t it make more sense to just memorise topics/concepts with matching quotes to then adapt to an essay during the exam? Then you don’t have to like memorise heaps of words, just the concepts and quotes...
  5. Ellztrap

    Presents for your significant other

    Lego is a good gift 10/10 do enjoy
  6. Ellztrap

    How's everyone's first year of uni so far?

    shit, no social life, legit so hard to make friends. Societies and clubs at UC are shit. Had a kidney infection and was almost septic at the beginning of sem 1 the dr's thought it was meningitis. but atleast I got out of the "im a basic bitch doing health science cause i cant get into...
  7. Ellztrap

    them Sydney Trains moments

    countrylink! Once I was sitting on the train and my suitcase has 4 wheels on the bottom, and I let go of my suitcase to text my friend, and my suitcase went rolling away and down the steps, It was a quiet train too, probably 4 other people on the carriage, and I had to go pick my bag up...
  8. Ellztrap

    Share your 2016 HSC results here

    61.65 or something like that
  9. Ellztrap

    Share your 2016 HSC results here

    NSW HSC 2016: Bio 79 4 EngAd 65 3 MathsG2 79 4 MHist 70 4
  10. Ellztrap

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    It's what's transport nsw has on their website, and I used the 2015 one all last year, but recently the bus driver has been like "you need a different card" >_>
  11. Ellztrap

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    With public transport we can use the student concession card till April next year Ye? And it's just the cardboard card the school gave Ye?
  12. Ellztrap

    McDonalds vs KFC first job

    Each restuaunt is different depending on the owner, and the managers. I personally found Mcdonalds to be a great learning place, and has allowed to to get use to a working enviroment with some really nice supportive people. In saying that my sister who was at a different store owned by...
  13. Ellztrap

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

  14. Ellztrap

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    even if i wanted to go to schoolies, I wouldn't be able to drink :cccccc
  15. Ellztrap

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    It was more, place the white ball on the dot and shoot it into a hole in one hit, and whoever misses first looses
  16. Ellztrap

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Ye I spent over an hour playing a made up game using only the white pool ball cause we didn't want to put money on the table
  17. Ellztrap

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    TBH I prefer like just fucking around, it's funner to do that then play a structured game
  18. Ellztrap

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    I just throw the dart and hope I don't die
  19. Ellztrap

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    I almost hit us with the dart, it bounced off that backboard and lodged itself pre close to us in the carpet facing us