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  1. Tulipa

    Regarding the slut/hero female/male double standard

    So you're advocating a "put up and shut up" attitude? Yeah, because society has evolved and injustice been rectified by people sitting back and doing nothing about it :rolleyes: You're acknowledging it's a double standard which, by definition, is a problem but you're saying that it's okay for...
  2. Tulipa

    Notches on their bedpost

    This. You're pretty much denying yourself the chance to actually think about your views because, since they're based on pretty much nothing, you know they'll change. There's obviously something deeper going on with you that you don't want to explore. Living in denial, it's a bitch.
  3. Tulipa

    Sydney Festival 2010

    Also, yes yes yes to stagings of both Six Characters in Search of an Author and The Arrival. I don't care if The Arrival is for kids. I loved that book.
  4. Tulipa

    Sydney Festival 2010

    Fucking yes. Grizzly Bear, Camera Obscura, Slow Club, Dirty Three, Laura Marling, Neko... Epic line up.
  5. Tulipa

    Notches on their bedpost

    Neither of those points were made. What I've found is that people in their twenties who are virgins have decided to wait for a specific reason. Sure that's a bit of a generalisation, like most of the stuff posted in L&R, but once people hit their early twenties there have normally been a...
  6. Tulipa

    Notches on their bedpost

    That's a good point. I've never really thought of it as "writing someone off" in that way. It's really just that I haven't met many older virgins who don't hold it up as something important. If they wanted to get it over with, pretty much everyone has already. I know I wouldn't be comfortable...
  7. Tulipa

    Notches on their bedpost

    Maybe. Depends on how it plays out. I guess I'd be wondering why they waited since most of the virgins I know are waiting for marriage or "someone special" and since I don't believe in assigning that much importance to something so physical, we'd probably have a fundamental difference of...
  8. Tulipa

    Notches on their bedpost

    I figure that anyone I'm sleeping with is 21+ and while being a virgin at that age isn't that big of a deal, I feel like after waiting for it for awhile they would expect something more than just sex which I'm not really up for offering right now. EDIT: I know some people will pull out the...
  9. Tulipa

    Notches on their bedpost

    From Wikipedia: And to the OP: I really don't care how many people they've slept with. Nor do I care about the ratio of relationship to casual sex. I wouldn't want to fuck a virgin but that's about it.
  10. Tulipa

    Smiths 'Do Us a Flavour' Chips

    My sister bought the Caesar ones for some unknown reason and offered me a few. Somehow they have actually managed to make potato chips taste like lettuce. And it's disgusting. Absolutely foul. Would not buy or try any of others though.
  11. Tulipa

    What are you currently Reading?

    Puddn'head Wilson by Mark Twain. Last novel I will ever have to read for uni. Weird.
  12. Tulipa

    Are there any Christian teenagers out there??

    Yeah. This is done. Closed.
  13. Tulipa


    I know people I consider to be "normal". Everyone's perception of what is normal is different though. For instance, I don't believe that girls who fake tan, bleach their hair and wear leggings as pants are normal whereas they'd consider themselves the epitome of regularity.
  14. Tulipa

    Are there any Christian teenagers out there??

    There are plenty of discussions on religion and its existence in NCAP if you wish to discuss that. If this thread continues to go along those lines it will be locked.
  15. Tulipa

    1st orgasm.

    But if you don't know what feels good for yourself, then how are you going to be able to help a guy get you off? I don't know, I just feel bad for them. Plus, it's a once you pop, you can't stop situation so why wait?
  16. Tulipa

    1st orgasm.

    So keeping it on topic... Most guys have their first orgasm by themselves when they first learn the joys of masturbation yeah? I was the same. I don't really remember the first one, just that it was strange and awesome. I don't understand girls who can't get themselves off.
  17. Tulipa

    views on gays

    There are a number of threads in L&R (such as the What's your sexuality? thread) and in NCAP (Homosexuality in Australia) where this can be discussed. Look around before posting a new thread.
  18. Tulipa

    Being used in a relationship

    All offtopic crap goes in NS. Which is why this thread just got shorter. And like espo said, there's a number of other factors that would influence a decision in any of the above cases. Generalisations and relationships really don't get you anywhere.
  19. Tulipa

    Friends with benefits

    It's not a necessity like air or food or water but yeah it's nice and if you do it right, pretty fucking enjoyable. I don't know. I honestly don't get the slut angle on the friends with benefits scenario. If you would like to fuck someone but don't want a relationship, then surely it's better...
  20. Tulipa

    Friends with benefits

    Because sex is not simply penis + vagina? Foreplay still exists with fuckbuddies as does a little thing called oral. Masturbating gets boring after awhile. Fuckbuddies are making out + foreplay + sex - randomness of one night stands.