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  1. Tulipa

    Is war ever justified?

    He can't, it's against his religion. And to answer the original question, yes but we go to war without justification so often these days, and the very nature of war is evolving so quickly, that it's difficult to really figure out what could a justify war in modern times.
  2. Tulipa

    Relationships at work???

    It's always super awkward when it ends because you have to see them in an environment where you have to be professional, which is terrible if you never really want to see them again. One fling at work was enough to completely put me off ever doing it again.
  3. Tulipa

    Is this wrong?

    Hey kids, grammar talk and L&R don't quite mix. Stay on topic :) To the OP - probably best to leave it for now. You might not be able to help who you fall in love with but you do own your decisions and their consequences.
  4. Tulipa


    Not always. But the fact that they're still in high school definitely makes that more likely.
  5. Tulipa

    How do I know if he's gay?

    face.palm. He is absolutely not interested in you. Doesn't matter if he's gay or not, get over it and move on.
  6. Tulipa


    Leave it be. Try subtle flirting, see if you get any kind of reaction but don't publicise your feelings for her. Accept that nothing is likely to happen. Things like this are always a lot more difficult to negotiate in high school so tread very carefully.
  7. Tulipa

    What are you currently Reading?

    Worldshaker - Richard Harland. Shit Australian YA novel that I have to read for class. Slogging through it right now and consistently cringing at the writing.
  8. Tulipa


    Does she know you're bi? Is she straight? Do you guys ever subtlely flirt or is it just a normal friendship? Telling straight girls you like them when you're in high school can be really awkward. It's better to take the time to feel out the relationship, try really subtle flirting to see if...
  9. Tulipa

    What are you currently Reading?

    "A Room of One's Own" and "To The Lighthouse" by Virginia Woolf. Weird to read her critical essays alongside her fiction but still, both are good.
  10. Tulipa

    Australia: a homophobic society?

    Yup. This is pretty much covered in
  11. Tulipa

    sex before marriage

    Thread has been done before. Do a search before posting.
  12. Tulipa

    so how many of you girls fit my criteria

    Thread's topic has been pretty much exhausted and you guys keep going round in circles, thus closed.
  13. Tulipa

    What're your standards/criteria?

    Or will feed you Maccas while you drive. I find that works better. I don't have strict criteria per se. Like everyone else, I'd like them to be attractive but according to my friends, people I think are attractive are apparently quirky looking. It'd be nice if they had similar interests in...
  14. Tulipa

    so how many of you girls fit my criteria

    Oh God. Give up. Completely. Also, I'll continue to monitor this thread so please try to keep all insults and off topic to a minimum. Thank you.
  15. Tulipa

    so how many of you girls fit my criteria

    *facepalm* I went to an all girl's private independent school on the North Shore. I don't really know what your barometer of "elite" is but considering how :spzz: your criteria are, I doubt I'd guess. Also, you don't want someone to spend a lot of money on clothes but if it's not an elite school...
  16. Tulipa

    so how many of you girls fit my criteria

    Yeah. Dude. You generalise like nothing else. The bolded is bullshit. I went to a private girl's school and trust me, the majority of them would not fulfill a single one of your criteria. Most of what you have been saying has no basis in real life. I have a feeling you're just throwing out...
  17. Tulipa

    What have you eaten today?

    Black coffee x2 bowl of Special K advantage cereal with soy milk mandarin Turkey salad sandwich with dijonnaise on wholegrain english muffin I had a flat white the other day and almost puked. Cannot deal with milk in my coffee at all anymore. I can barely stand cow's milk actually.
  18. Tulipa

    Commitment, or lack thereof.

    Dude, let it go. You're basically in a relationship, that sounds like it's actually going okay, but you're demanding something so pedantic (literally, just a label) for pretty much no reason. Why can't you just keep going with it for now?
  19. Tulipa

    so how many of you girls fit my criteria

    I know right? Absolute freaking facepalm at every new thing he raises. I'm starting to wonder if he's ever actually met a girl. Girls in private schools just have more money (in general), which by the way would make them more inclined to buy designer clothes which contradicts one of his...
  20. Tulipa

    Commitment, or lack thereof.

    So okay, wait. You're dating. You talk a few times a day. You see each other a lot. You're not seeing anyone else. How is that not a relationship? I'm confused.