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  1. Tulipa

    Feminist Porn

    Actually interested to watch this to see what the difference is, if any.
  2. Tulipa

    Friends with benefits

    Hahahaha. No. I have standards.
  3. Tulipa

    Friends with benefits

    This. As soon as you start to feel something romantic towards a fuckbuddy/friends with benefits person, get out. Right now, I like sex, I like being single and I don't like one night stands. So I'm pretty happy with a fwb scenario. There is nothing wrong with casual sex as long as you're safe...
  4. Tulipa

    Friends with benefits

    Yes. It can work. If you're simply attracted to someone physically from the get go and that's all both of you want, it can happen. You just have to keep the "friendship" separate from the "benefits" if you are friends previously. Also, when you fuck, no cuddling afterwards. Best rule ever.
  5. Tulipa

    arbitrary percentages

    Bizarre measure of friendship. But it just sounds like you guys, like pretty much everyone I know, are probably growing apart somewhat. Ask him what he means by the percentages anyways. Is 100% close the two of you being around each other 24/7?
  6. Tulipa

    What are you currently Reading?

    The Color Purple by Alice Walker for my women's lit class.
  7. Tulipa


    That too. I found it interesting because my parents and my brothers believe in God but only my mom has any kind of interaction with the church, which is to say that she has some prayer group once a month with other mothers. And theism, I've thought about this a lot over the past thirteen or...
  8. Tulipa


    My stance, in general, is that I'm an athiest but I was just pointing out flaws in theism's argument and questioning why you have to be part of institutionalised religion to get into heaven. That being said, I don't believe in God, heaven, hell or religion. None of it makes sense to me.
  9. Tulipa


    What if you don't know any other Christians but still believe in God, live a morally sound life and follow what you believe the Bible is teaching? Why do you have to congregate with other Christians just to get into heaven? What is wrong with keeping your faith to yourself? How is that not enough?
  10. Tulipa


    So rejecting the institution of religion - which by the way, does not automatically mean rejecting the teachings of the Bible, which many people believe needs to be taken metaphorically, not literally (because, hey Leviticus?) but instead rejecting the people who control religion - is also...
  11. Tulipa


    HAHAHAHA. What? So if you believe in God and live would be generally considered a morally sound life, because you don't turn up to church or don't agree with their teachings or don't feel that they accurately represent God and thus don't participate in the institution of religion, you're going...
  12. Tulipa

    why are all the hot guys either players or gay???

    Well duh but that doesn't mean you have to go out and only look for people who are conventionally attractive. Unless you really are that shallow and ready to be constantly disappointed. Who you are physically attracted to is based on a lot more than your own preconceptions about what is or is...
  13. Tulipa

    why are all the hot guys either players or gay???

    Yeah. No. People just have stupid standards that they hold onto which prevents them from really getting to know someone. I get sick of people complaining about how hard it is to find someone and then when meeting new people nitpick little aspects of their person without really talking to them...
  14. Tulipa

    Why do Bad Boys Always get the girls?

    And pretty offtopic as well. Since this topic has also been debated to death many times before, this is closed.
  15. Tulipa

    why are all the hot guys either players or gay???

    Yeah so making generalisations that all guys are one thing or all girls are another pretty much never works. Plus, the fact that you're solely looking for "hot guys" indicates something about you too - being shallow doesn't really work if you're looking for a solid relationship.
  16. Tulipa

    What have you eaten today?

    Since 4am: Bowl of Sultana Bran Three cups of coffee One Red Bull One sausage sandwich Half a banana muffin
  17. Tulipa

    How does anyone find a decent significant other?

    General note: offtopic posts get deleted :) On topic: I think people's standards are too high. Also, more often than not, the people who you really click with come out of the blue. It's sort of a game of half waiting and half looking.
  18. Tulipa

    staying over?

    I took a cab home at like 7:30am terribly hungover and still in my dress and heels from the night before and the cabbie was like "Oh going in to the office early?". I figure that means I don't look too terrible when I'm doing the walk of shame and I also don't dress like a complete slut. I...
  19. Tulipa

    What have you eaten today?

    March. So it's been awhile :p Today: bowl of Sultana Bran with soy milk choc chip muesli bar sausage sandwich (free at uni woo) beer water oh and a ton of cigarettes. 11 at last count. And three cups of black coffee.
  20. Tulipa

    What have you eaten today?

    I must've bought something from you before. I used to go there all the time when I was with the ex (he lives in Gladesville).