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  1. Tulipa

    Do women want it just as much?

    Yeah but 5 times in an hour ... where's the stamina? Much better having it spread out over a few hours at least.
  2. Tulipa

    Do women want it just as much?

    I know a guy who had 5 in a 24 hour period. Ah well, don't worry, not everyone can win at sex :p
  3. Tulipa

    "Guys and girls can't be friends".

    Thread has been done before numerous times. Try searching the forum before posting. Most recent:
  4. Tulipa

    Do women want it just as much?

    That's my polite way of saying I get to delete off topic posts in this thread/board :)
  5. Tulipa

    Do women want it just as much?

    Sure, it's not the best source but it's the simplest: Also, I'm not insinuating that it's an either or in terms of "because they can or because they want to". Instead, it's a combination of the two. That being said, this is probably a topic for another thread. There are many floating around...
  6. Tulipa

    Do women want it just as much?

    face. palm. That's not the point kid. A rapist wants sex (obviously, thus the crime itself is committed) but the motivation behind it isn't purely because he's aroused and she is not. Also, that last sentence is blatantly incorrect and a gross generalisation.
  7. Tulipa

    Do women want it just as much?

    Wait. What? Explain this quote. You're saying that if there was sexualised imagery of men all over the place, men wouldn't feel the need to rape women? I'm sorry, what kind of logic is that? Also, in regards to the original thread question, generalisations will get you nowhere. Men may...
  8. Tulipa

    Do you smoke?

    Let's see... I had my first cigarette when I was 15. "Socially" smoked (i.e. whenever I was drunk or drinking) all through high school. Started smoking sober more about halfway through year 12. Finally admitted I was an actual smoker at the end of my first year of uni. It's not so much how...
  9. Tulipa

    What's your sexuality.

    Go for it. It's not exactly original. Also, I know one other person who is bi. People are more open these days ... but idk, for a lot of the people I know it was either a stop on the way to gaytown or they were attracted to one specific person for a period of time and after that passed, they...
  10. Tulipa

    What's your sexuality.

    I know two people who are asexual. Pretty sure that one of them is just in denial about being gay though - he's so far in the closet, he's practically in Narnia.
  11. Tulipa

    Smoking a turn off?

    Yeah. If the government really cared, they'd ban smoking. They don't because it's a big revenue raiser for them in terms of tax. Still, I smoke and no one I've dated or been with has ever had a problem with it. Also, I find it a big turn on and always have, even before I started smoking. I...
  12. Tulipa

    Gay friends

    Whoops, just saw this. Eh, not really. I was going to say that there are more stereotypes associated with gay men - the whole fag hag idea springs to mind - but there are a lot of stereotypical lesbians too. Plus, I find that both men and women have a similar reaction to their friends coming...
  13. Tulipa

    fate or coincidence?

    Okay, first of all, never ever leave shit to fate again. Secondly this stuck out to me: Moving across the world is a huge fucking deal. I know, I'm doing the same thing next year but I know I'm not running away from my problems. Instead of staying because of some girl, maybe think of staying...
  14. Tulipa

    Secret's out: why women really have sex

    face. palm. I think what's more common knowledge is that calling me that gets me annoyed.
  15. Tulipa

    Gay friends

    That's exactly what I thought when I read that post. The majority of my close friends are gay and it's not really a big deal. Both of my best friends are - one is the most low key regular lesbian ever and the other is a straight up effeminate drag queen (but not completely stereotypical). And I...
  16. Tulipa

    Secret's out: why women really have sex

    Eh, I think you'll find that's a bit of a generalisation. And no matter who it was, if someone called me a slut I'd be pissed off. And I also agree with Zoe wholeheartedly.
  17. Tulipa

    is it wrong to masterbate with fruit?

    Yeah, no. Buy a vibrator. Duh.
  18. Tulipa

    Friends with benefits

    Yeah but she didn't actually say she'd had sex with anyone? Personal choice, sure. Fucking a different random every single weekend when you're 16/17 and in high school is concerning but that's not what a friends with benefits scenario is. And sure I get defensive about being called a slut...
  19. Tulipa

    Friends with benefits

    Condoms and getting regularly tested. Just because someone enjoys casual sex does not mean they are a slut or automatically going to be riddled with STIs.
  20. Tulipa

    What have you eaten today?

    Hangover food: powerade cigarettes cold pizza coffee