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  1. Focus is Key

    Hamlet Past Paper Question Help- Urgent!!

    I'll check it out, thanks!
  2. Focus is Key

    Hamlet Past Paper Question Help- Urgent!!

    Nice! That will go a long way :) I'm sure it was a long essay with all that!
  3. Focus is Key

    Hamlet Past Paper Question Help- Urgent!!

    Yeah I'm considering using the 'To be or not to be' or one of the others. I think it's a good idea!
  4. Focus is Key

    Hamlet Past Paper Question Help- Urgent!!

    I've been working on the following question: For more than three centuries critical studies of Hamlet have challenged us with a range of perspectives from which we can read and understand the intense human relationships which are at the core of Hamlet. What have you come to understand...
  5. Focus is Key

    Anyone doing Ext English 2?

    Yep, the story is killing me at the moment. I know what I want it to be like, it's just a matter of perfecting and refining it. How far along are you?
  6. Focus is Key

    Lectures/HSC workshops

    Bump for interest.
  7. Focus is Key

    Do you think it is acceptable for.....

    In the junior years, they often didn't provide any assessment marking criteria and we had to deal with it.
  8. Focus is Key

    What can you tell me about these subjects?

    Legal doesn't scale bad :/ CAFS is my favourite subject and it's not difficult to do well at. I liked EE1 English in Prelims more than I have in the HSC! Btw, I did 14 units during Prelims and it wasn't hard. Although for the HSC definitely drop at least one unit, maybe two. E.g. I dropped...
  9. Focus is Key

    Belonging Essay Question 2013 PREDICTION

    I really hope it's barriers :) That's the essay I did in my half-yearly :P
  10. Focus is Key

    common error.

    6/2(3) -Simplifying brackets first 6/6- Expanding brackets (always do brackets first) =1
  11. Focus is Key

    Pompeii and Herculaneum 10 marker

    Thanks guys :)
  12. Focus is Key

    Belonging Essay Question 2013 PREDICTION

    Hope so since I did that for my half-yearlies! Identity would be okay but I don't want it to be something cruel like time.
  13. Focus is Key

    Pompeii and Herculaneum 10 marker

    The question says: Using the sources provided and your own knowledge, explain the different ways in which archaeologists have reconstructed the past in the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum. Would this mean I need to talk about both Pompeii and Herculaneum to be able to gain the 10 marks...
  14. Focus is Key

    2013 Half Yearlies?

    Got Maths Extension back today, 78% which moves me to the top of the class slightly after doing pretty bad in the first assessment. Incredibly happy with that although I made quite a few sillies and should have cracked the 80's. Mounds better than my Prelims though (got like 30%)
  15. Focus is Key

    What do you think is the hardest science?

    I reckon Physics is worse because I'm not mathematically inclined at all.
  16. Focus is Key

    2013 Half Yearlies?

    Got Ancient back today- 98%- woot! Only dropped a mark :) And from the sounds of Maths Extension I exceeded my expectations :) Fittingly enough my worst exam (Extension 1 English) will be the last one given out.
  17. Focus is Key

    Assessment: Viva Voce

    Lol I had a similar problem. They basically said it was all great except I didn't explain one point enough. Got 7/10 :/
  18. Focus is Key

    Current ATAR

    Ok, I'll try to pull up that English Extension 2 (should be able to) and at hopefully pull up Maths Ext 1 to 2nd place at least.