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  1. Focus is Key

    Doing Maths Extension 2 And English Extension 2

    If you're not naturally talented I don't advise English Extension 2 :/
  2. Focus is Key

    Trial Discussion Thread.

    I feel somewhat prepared for Maths Adv, CAFS and sorta Legal and Ancient. Maths Ext 1 is a bit iffy and I guess it depends on the difficulty of the paper. But OMG English Advanced and Extension 1!!!!! I think I'll do okay but I'll probably have to resort to memorising my creative writing for...
  3. Focus is Key

    2015 - 2020 HSC English Texts Published

    My English teacher will definitely pick that lol. It's her favourite book of all time!
  4. Focus is Key

    Stress and Trials

    I have mine Week 2-3 :/ Sorta stressed, sorta not lol.
  5. Focus is Key

    2015 - 2020 HSC English Texts Published

    Some of the texts from discovery would be amazing to do! I especially love 'Go back to where you came from'! And OMG 'Nineteen Eighty Four' is on the Module A list!!! And no crime anymore :O, comedy would be so cool to study!
  6. Focus is Key

    I need a hug

    *Gives massive hug* I'm in the exact same situation as you because I'm last in my class due to my Extension Ext 2 major work. But we'll be okay, we'll all get through this!
  7. Focus is Key

    What does it feel like to finish the HSC?

    I know I'm gonna cry at my graduation, I can get pretty emotional about those sorts of things :O' But yeah finishing English will be the best feeling, no more stupid belonging creatives and memorising!
  8. Focus is Key

    Tips on remembering quotes for essay

    Just what I've been thinking for all of today. English is too hard to study for!
  9. Focus is Key

    Who wants to pull an all nighter with me?

    I just don't understand how people can pull so many all-nighters!! My sleep patterns would be so screwed up!
  10. Focus is Key

    Consumers Essay Help

    Ok, I'll look into that. I sort of got confused by the need for 'change'. Change in what? Reforming the law, changing values and standards, consumer protection? There was actually a second option of question to do which was: How effective has the law been in responding to contemporary issues...
  11. Focus is Key

    Consumers Essay Help

    Yeah that would give me space to talk about Product Certification which I know pretty well. This question is annoying me for some reason.
  12. Focus is Key

    Consumers Essay Help

    Has anyone got an ideas to approach the following essay question for consumers: Assess the effectiveness of legal and non-legal responses to the need for change in consumer law (25 marks) I was thinking of talking about caveat emptor and the evolution from a marketplace style environment to a...
  13. Focus is Key

    HSC Trial Timetables ..

    I'm very happy with mine (except for the last day): Monday Week 1: Mathematics Tuesday: English Paper 1 Wednesday: English Paper 2 Thursday: Nothing- My birthday :) I'm ecstatic I get this off. Friday: Legal Studies Nothing on Week 2 Monday and Tuesday Wednesday: CAFS Thursday: Ancient History...
  14. Focus is Key

    Weird Volume of Revolution question

    Yay, thanks Carrotsticks :) You're a great help!
  15. Focus is Key

    Weird Volume of Revolution question

    I don't understand how to do part b of the following question. a) Find the area bounded by y=e^x, the x-axis and lines x=1 and x=2. Answer is e(e-1) units squared. b) This area is rotated about the x-axis. Find the volume of the solid formed. Please if someone could post full working...
  16. Focus is Key

    Hamlet Past Paper Question Help- Urgent!!

    Btw guys I finished my essay tonight :) Thanks guys, I feel like I've done a pretty good job of it!
  17. Focus is Key

    Extension 1 Essay Question Ideas/Deconstruction Help

    Brilliant idea, that would go really well with what I've got lined up :) Yeah I'll use what you said for Rear Window, perhaps I could even talk about how Jeff is detached physically from the criminal investigative process but still remains impassioned to see it through (using Lisa etc.)
  18. Focus is Key

    Extension 1 Essay Question Ideas/Deconstruction Help

    The essay given I have been given is as follows: Passion is at the heart of Crime Writing. Yet detachment is also crucial. Write an essay in which you evaluate the extent to which this is true of TWO prescribed texts AND at least TWO texts of your own choosing. My prescribed texts I...
  19. Focus is Key

    Can you use the word "I" in an essay?

    In my essay where it asked for how my understanding has been altered I used 'I' and 'My' quite a lot. Also, the sample copy we were given of a quality response to the question used 'I' throughout. I think usually it's unacceptable but since it asks for 'your' opinion I think you definitely should.
  20. Focus is Key

    Regrets of Picking Certain Subjects

    Probably should have at least tried Business Studies because I feel like I would've being really strong at it, and I regret not doing a Critical Response for Ext 2 English (maybe I shouldn't have done EE2 at all). I don't necessarily regret doing Bio.