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  1. Focus is Key

    How does being ranked 2nd affect me?

    Okay here's the deal. In Advanced Maths my final mark is 83/100, whereas the guy coming first is 83.2/100 making me second to him. How would this fare for the HSC, will my marks get dragged down since I'm not first internally?
  2. Focus is Key

    Extension 2 English Finished!!!!!

    Same, but my teacher said that's a good thing. I'm worried because I needed more editing time and don't think I went very well either, good luck :)
  3. Focus is Key

    Anyone sit independent trials?

    I'd never seen a question like that one before, I think it would have thrown a LOT of people.
  4. Focus is Key

    Unfair Weighted Exam

    Yeah that situation the OP described sucks and was pretty harsh for the school to do but I've had higher weightings for random tasks too (I'm sure almost all of us have). For example, my Ancient Trial was only worth 20% and some random in-class essay we were given the question for was worth the...
  5. Focus is Key

    Trial Results and Reactions

    English Advanced- 76% (3rd)- Devastated :( I misunderstood the Module B question and didn't answer it properly so got 10/20 (by far my worst essay mark ever :/). Pity because I would have been sitting on 85%+. English Ext 1-68%- (1st) Satisfied considering our teacher is a very hard marker...
  6. Focus is Key

    How many quotes do you normally have in an essay?

    That can drastically changed based on the text type. I find for poetry (Module A) I tend to have the most, Hamlet probably comes next and then the novels I'm doing.
  7. Focus is Key

    Anyone sit independent trials?

    I found the Extension Maths one pretty hard considering I came reasonably close to failing it.
  8. Focus is Key

    Extension 2 English Finished!!!!!

    SO great to have one of our HSC subjects already done. How do people feel about their major works? Overall, I feel like mines ok but could have used more basic editing time since I left major changes too late but my Reflection is good. How do you guys think you'll go?
  9. Focus is Key

    Trial Discussion Thread.

    Hi-5! That makes two of us!
  10. Focus is Key

    Fiftieth Gate Essay Structure Help

    This is the question: How does the structure of The Fiftieth Gate represent a thesis about the relationships between documented history and personal memory? Has your study of other representations of history and memory supported this thesis? Explain your point of view by referring closely to...
  11. Focus is Key

    Trial Discussion Thread.

    My maths teacher has taken 3 months for 8 kids. What is it with maths teachers? What makes it worse is the General kids usually get theirs back a day after.
  12. Focus is Key

    Modern History and Legal Studies Options

    You can. I've talked to multiple teachers saying that you can do whatever option you want. Apparently a couple of people do it every year!
  13. Focus is Key

    Trial Discussion Thread.

    Those are awesome results, congrats! You absolutely destroyed Modern!
  14. Focus is Key

    Should I confront my teacher about this?

    That's really slack for him to do. I really doubt he'd change it back and it wouldn't really have an effect on your internal marks/ranking. However, it might be beneficial to at least ask why!
  15. Focus is Key

    We did our topics in a weird order so we're actually doing the personality study of Akhenaten...

    We did our topics in a weird order so we're actually doing the personality study of Akhenaten now. We did the Augustan Age (Section IV) earlier on in the year. Honestly I'm thinking of changing to Hatsheput because it's so hard to find any info :/ Are you thinking of changing your option?
  16. Focus is Key

    Modern History and Legal Studies Options

    I'm honestly considering doing this for Ancient :/
  17. Focus is Key

    Trial Discussion Thread.

    From my experience, when people say things like that they usually do much worse than they expected. I know personally, a girl who's very good at Legal said the Legal trials were so easy and she finished with so much extra time and I found it difficult. I was in the same boat as you, thinking I'd...
  18. Focus is Key

    Trial Discussion Thread.

    I did those exact two things in both my english papers. It won't likely make a huge difference as you said so fingers crossed!
  19. Focus is Key

    Trial Discussion Thread.

    Got 3 results back today: Ancient History: 95% (might be bumped up to 97%) CAFS: 95% Legal: 93% So stoked about those. They were the only ones I wanted back though. Really don't want my English papers back :/
  20. Focus is Key

    Cramming success stories?

    I did a similar thing for my English Ext 1 trial yesterday. Just flipped through notes and re-wrote stuff and couple of times and thought I was going to forget everything. I think I did well though :)