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  1. Focus is Key

    General Thoughts: Ancient History

    Upload Augustus just cause...
  2. Focus is Key

    General Thoughts: Ancient History

    I wanted to talk about the Philodermus project or Pompeii forum project but they screwed me over by specifying remains. I bsed about Lazer, Capaso, Bisel and the British School of Rome.
  3. Focus is Key

    General Thoughts: Ancient History

    Would you be able to talk about casts, since they were pre-1980's?
  4. Focus is Key

    General Thoughts: Ancient History

    They basically picked the 2 areas with the least material and said 'Lets make them write a 25 marker'.
  5. Focus is Key

    General Thoughts: Ancient History

    You don't even go here!
  6. Focus is Key

    Our exam was cancelled

    Exam was so difficult!
  7. Focus is Key

    General Thoughts: Ancient History

    Band 4 here I come! Could it have been much worse? The Augustus 25 marker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And the Pompeii questions have never seemed this hard!!!! Maybe I'm just unlucky because they literally asked the only thing I didn't want them to. Spent too long on Pompeii, so I realised with an hour to...
  8. Focus is Key

    Multiple Choice

    Shit, I think I got like 15/20 :/
  9. Focus is Key

    General Thoughts: Legal Studies

    I didn't think it was 'easy' per-se. I found the multiple choice difficult (I usually get like 18/20 but expecting much lower). Also, I thought the human rights questions were possibly harder than in the past (peace rights, right to education, changing values and standards). However, the essays...
  10. Focus is Key

    Crime Extended Response

    I assumed it was okay to talk about because it affects the sentencing (so whether you get sentenced or not or if it's reduced). Hope it's right cause it got 15/15 in my trial for a similar question (but it didn't specify where the discretion had to occure).
  11. Focus is Key

    Crime Extended Response

    Yeah I believe we did
  12. Focus is Key

    Crime Extended Response

    I wrote about statutory and judicial guidlines, aggravating and mitigating circumstances, complete and partial defences and young offenders :) Our trial had basically that exact question, was a gift!
  13. Focus is Key

    Really quick Multiple Choice Question Explanation.

    Thanks guys anyway, it's from the Legal Studies Specimen 2011 paper :)
  14. Focus is Key

    Really quick Multiple Choice Question Explanation.

    Lol I put C for the answer, it's such a stupid question!!
  15. Focus is Key

    Really quick Multiple Choice Question Explanation.

    What do people think is the answer to this question and why? 20 Which of the following statements is true of human rights? (A) Human rights apply to nation-states. (B) Human rights are enforced by the United Nations. (C) Human rights are granted to citizens of all nation-states...
  16. Focus is Key

    50th gate for module C

    Ha! We do all the same modules but I agree it was the easiest of the three. I think hamlet was the hardest personally
  17. Focus is Key

    First day hsc. Left out creative. Im screwed arent i?

    Don't worry, I stuffed up mine too and I know so many others who have
  18. Focus is Key

    Section 1 - Stimulus

    I hated text 2 but loved 1&3. I used 3&4 for the last question
  19. Focus is Key

    Section 2 - Creative Writing

    Same! If it didn't specify an afternoon I would have been fine, lots of mine was at night! Hope I manage a 10/15 :( I'm not holding my breath though. It was terrible.
  20. Focus is Key

    General Thoughts: English Paper 1 (AOS)

    I found it okay but my creative writing was terrible. Short answers were good but I wasted too much time. For the essay I pretty much only focused on how the attitudes of others influenced individuals, I don't know if that was wrong :(