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  1. Q

    Creative Writing

    HAHAHAHAAH!!!!!!!! OMG that is the funniest shit I've ever heard!:rofl:
  2. Q

    Section 2

    "oh My goD!! >.<' i didn't get to finish my story!... "Pens down" and I was only half done...." what a noob...
  3. Q

    Section 2

    Don't gimme that, or my story will come true. On ur face!:burn:
  4. Q

    Section 2

    my story was perverted tale of sex, violence and incest.
  5. Q

    Section 2

    "Give a man a beer who ever came up with that beginning, mine was planned to be a story on a vietnam vet who revisits his mates graves, with a twist in the story... Fitted in perfectly couldn't be happier with it." No actually, give that man a stab in the eye with a spoon, cos the quote...
  6. Q

    Anyone want to post up the paper?

  7. Q

    This Years English Paper Was Hard

    WTF DID U JUST SAY?:confused:
  8. Q

    Imaginative Journey Question

    But doesn't argue imply taking only one side?.....
  9. Q

    Creative Writing

    ooh sexy :)
  10. Q

    What will you get out 45?

    45/45 cos I am teh sickest. :wave: Nah, um actually probably got 11 for part 1, 14 for part 2 and 13 for part 3. But seriously, at this point I. DONT. GIVE. A. FUCK. BECAUSE. I. WILL. NEVER. GET. MY. MARK. BACK. (note the sustained use of caezura achieves the tone of not giving a fuck)
  11. Q

    Creative Writing

    My creative was of the grandfather telling the story where he has to euthenise his wife...Did it in the trials n got 14. Something like this, only with first person and the quote added in front. Not sure if it shows a "discovery" though. Bit cheesed up, but hey. When in Rome...:confused...
  12. Q

    im screwed

    try arcade fire song 'tunnels.' u can talk about the way it decribes the protagonist imagining using love to escape the greif of loss....or something like that.:confused:
  13. Q

    Visual Texts!!

    What about H.R. Geiger's work? Some of those bio-mechanical pieces r great cos u can highlight the contrast between feminine form and the mechanical aspects and the way it makes u question the link between man and machine. Try necronom v. Just saw these today looking for some art to use...
  14. Q

    Imagine.......Too Easy?

    Its not an at school essay. We have to do bout 250 words on each at home. I decided to use a different text anyway. I think some of H.R. Giger's art would be good. Its kinda disturbing like Dali, but that makes it even better for this topic. u can highlight the way its makes u question the...
  15. Q

    Imagine.......Too Easy?

    Ive got some uber assignment that involves discussing the imaginative journeys of 8 texts. My teachers told my class not to choose texts based on their ease. do u think the song Imagine would be too simplistic to do?