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  1. Kwayera

    Climate change-Does it exist

    Add 'thousand' onto the end of 'hundred' and you'd be closer to a true representation.
  2. Kwayera

    Climate change-Does it exist

    Depends on where. I did some stochastic modelling work on this two years ago. For the south coast of NSW, safe distance is approximately >50m from shore.
  3. Kwayera

    Climate change-Does it exist

    Hello my name is Cat and I am a marine scientist Incorrect But it won't melt first. It may melt faster, but the Greenland ice will melt at much the same rate as the sea ice that surrounds it. The fact is that there's a fucktonne more land ice than sea ice, and therefore will take a lot...
  4. Kwayera

    It feels gooooood ;)

    It feels gooooood ;)
  5. Kwayera

    Climate change-Does it exist

  6. Kwayera

    Climate change-Does it exist

    lol (That applies both to your argument, and the fact that you're using Gore's film to support it)
  7. Kwayera

    We made a mistake with Rudd, didn't we?

    Yeah, you really did.
  8. Kwayera

    Climate change-Does it exist

    The existence and effects of anthropogenic climate change are well documented and pretty fucking obvious. If you still insist on denying its existence, then you're either wilfully ignorant or a daft cunt
  9. Kwayera

    What is double spacing?

    Just double-space it. Why lose a mark?
  10. Kwayera

    MGMT - Congratulations

    It was eh
  11. Kwayera

    Japanese celebrate defeat of bluefin tuna ban

    Tuna can be and are 'farmed', but farming generally involves catching wild juveniles and fattening them up, not breeding them.
  12. Kwayera

    Wisdom Teeth

    It can come any time, really. Some people's never erupt, and they only know they're there when they're massively infected. My sister is 23 and hers have erupted; I'm 22 and mine are still buried deep (and going deeper with my bottom ones, riiiight into the nerve in my jaw).
  13. Kwayera

    Wisdom Teeth

    Fuck man, I hope you read the surgeon the riot act I have all four, and all four have to come out asap, though they haven't erupted. The bottom ones are compacted and are squishing my bottom row of teeth, and the top ones look like they're going to do the same. I should have had them removed...
  14. Kwayera

    Did you draw the pic in your avatar?

    Did you draw the pic in your avatar?
  15. Kwayera

    Hi there - no, my signature is an image from a storyboard from the now-defunct live action movie...

    Hi there - no, my signature is an image from a storyboard from the now-defunct live action movie for The Last Unicorn. Sadly it will not be made :(
  16. Kwayera

    High school sweethearts.. Is there really such thing?

    Yeah, they got married straight out of school (i.e. when she finished) because he was in the navy and was going on tour. She's 23 now and I assume they're still going strong, but she's the only person in my year yet who is married that I know of.
  17. Kwayera

    15 year old steals car, crashes, dies

    Re: Another fatal P-Plate crash Lol.
  18. Kwayera

    Copper cookware

    Well, I found a set on eBay - 9pc that I paid $350 for. Not a European manufacturer (Benjamin & Medwin Inc. New York) but at that price - bargain? I believe they're tin lined as opposed to ss lined.
  19. Kwayera

    Copper cookware

    Well I assume I wouldn't be frying a steak or anything but you know.. general stuff.