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  1. Kwayera

    Soy Milk, which tastes best?

    So just get lactase tablets and have one before you have your coffee. It's what I do
  2. Kwayera

    Soy Milk, which tastes best?

    If you're lactose intolerant, why wouldn't you just consume lactase tablets with your dairy so you can still eat it? 100x better for you than moving to soy milk (isoflavinoids!).
  3. Kwayera

    Earliest memories

    Sentosa, the lychee tree in our apartment complex, and the park next to it in Singapore.
  4. Kwayera

    Environment Affecting Phenotype

    Epigenetics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  5. Kwayera

    Wedding Dresses

    Ugh, why would you get a strapless dress? It's your wedding day, not a school formal. Would like something timeless that I can pass onto a daughter or something.
  6. Kwayera

    How does Tea Tree Oil kill bacteria?

    Tea tree oil - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  7. Kwayera

    the pill

    Um I don't think seeing a doctor is necessary, that's pretty normal. Skipping periods is generally safe and there's no medical reason why you shouldn't/why you should have one at 3 months. I'm into 5th month without a period and this week got some light spotting, which is normal.
  8. Kwayera

    Kevin Rudd not getting anything done...

    Really? No, of course he isn't! :rolleyes:
  9. Kwayera

    Rudd will lose this election

    It's p simple I have NFI what gold standard and flat currency means either, but generally if you spend money you don't have, you go into debt lots and lots of debt more debt, perhaps, than your now-booming (?) economy can pay off quickly and easily? /gigantic oversimplification
  10. Kwayera

    Rudd will lose this election

    Lol actually that was a good call
  11. Kwayera

    Rudd will lose this election

    Only because Rudd is throwing money at the problem. Do you think money grows on trees?
  12. Kwayera

    The vegetarian/vegan thread.

    I'm not being hypocritical at all. I was using stefgi32's outbursts as an example that it is probably commoner than you think. Or I may just be more sensitive to it considering I walk around wearing clothes that used to have a heartbeat.
  13. Kwayera

    The vegetarian/vegan thread.

    Yeah, I'll try not to tar all of you with the same brush if only you lot didn't do it to us. And the loudest of you do.
  14. Kwayera

    Climate change-Does it exist

    And by divided you actually mean "the majority believe it is true but I'm gonna go with the tiny minority of random kooks and/or stubborn denialists"
  15. Kwayera

    The vegetarian/vegan thread.

    It's largely because you (using the royal you) vilify us as savage, cruel people who don't care about where our food comes from and are disgusting etc yadda yadda. People don't appreciate that, generally.
  16. Kwayera

    Dido - who likes? anyone going to the concert?

    Oh man, fuck you for resurrecting this hugely old thread, for a minute I got all excited and thought there was going to be another concert >:|
  17. Kwayera

    Do you think women want sex as much as men?

    Yes. In fact, more so, in some cases.
  18. Kwayera

    Israel's independence day

    This isn't news.
  19. Kwayera

    Koko's work and word count thread

  20. Kwayera

    Privacy in relationships

    I don't think that just because you've been together a long time, that you have the right to go through your partner's private things. It's one thing to have access to their email/phone/FB whatever and quite another to actually use that access - it's called trust. I went through a partner's FB...