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  1. Kwayera

    How many of you absolutely loves the anime RomeoXJuliet!!

    What on earth is ==" supposed to signify?
  2. Kwayera

    Liberal or Labor?

    He didn't, actually. He (and Costello) repeatedly credited Keating's policies for putting the Liberals in the position where they could unfuck the economy, as it was. Learn moar history
  3. Kwayera

    Liberal or Labor?

    I don't agree with the baby bonus/payments for such. You can support a leader without agreeing with every single policy, you know. And is that the only example you have?
  4. Kwayera

    Liberal or Labor?

    I will hear no bad word said of Bronny Bishop, she is amazing. There is a shell in her office in Canberra that she fired.
  5. Kwayera

    Liberal or Labor?

    I think he's dangerously misguided regarding his Keynesian economics. And I've said he's a boring, smarmy, smug bastard. But I have not said he is an idiot. EDIT: At least I don't think I have. If I have, it was in terms of actions, not intelligence. Idiocy does not necessarily imply stupidity.
  6. Kwayera

    Liberal or Labor?

    Where did I belittle the respective intelligences of Wayne Swan and Craig Emerson?
  7. Kwayera

    Dear lefties, Rudd is a CRIMINAL who has BETRAYED you

    Conservatism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  8. Kwayera

    Dear lefties, Rudd is a CRIMINAL who has BETRAYED you

    I think you're conflating right-wing with conservatism. Generally speaking, all conservatives are right-wing but not all right-wingers are conservative, which is especially true in the Liberal Party.
  9. Kwayera

    Dear lefties, Rudd is a CRIMINAL who has BETRAYED you

    I was referring to the fact that they regard the "Liberal" Party as being erroneously named, given the fact that in the US, the term has been subsumed by the left.
  10. Kwayera

    Dear lefties, Rudd is a CRIMINAL who has BETRAYED you

    You have no idea what you are talking about
  11. Kwayera

    Liberal or Labor?

    But depending on how they vote, the vote preferences generally flow to Labor :s
  12. Kwayera

    working with animals

    I think animal + vet bioscience is a lot more related to animal husbandry and the like, whereas in a straight science degree you can major in biology/zoology and do courses on ecology, conservation ecology, genetics, etc etc. At least, that was (sort of) my experience.
  13. Kwayera

    Liberal or Labor?

    The Greens' incredible hypocrisy over "environmental" policies is frustrating, though. If they really cared about climate change and pollution and shit they would support nuclear energy.
  14. Kwayera

    Liberal or Labor?

    Why on god's green earth (lol) would you ever vote for the Greens? Do you see them as a genuine alternative or as a protest vote against the major parties? Also Abbott is a Rhodes scholar so while he may be misguided and occasionally a bit of a twit, he is anything but stupid
  15. Kwayera

    Liberal or Labor?

    Nah, it's educational.
  16. Kwayera

    Liberal or Labor?

    cry moar
  17. Kwayera

    Liberal or Labor?

    I interpreted it differently. If that is indeed the case, than I will certainly no longer have respect for his position.
  18. Kwayera

    Liberal or Labor?

    Here's a secret: I agree with you. And it is changing, slowly, from the bottom up. But I would much rather Liberal's open conservatism than Labor's no-we're-not-conservative conservatism hypocrisy.
  19. Kwayera

    Liberal or Labor?

    Cbf to go through interviews and/or Hansard to do so, tbqh. I'm willing to reservedly (given the RU486 debacle) give him the benefit of the doubt on this issue, and trust the Liberal Left to come down on him hammer and tongs if he decides to abandon his previous dedication to...
  20. Kwayera

    Liberal or Labor?

    I respect the fact that he's willing to set aside his faith on certain issues, what is the problem with that :/ Yes I am, but that has really no bearing because my detailed opinions on certain issues have already been posted here. *shrug* Please apply your attack-dog argument style elsewhere