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  1. PikaAnime123

    So what are you guys playing at the moment?

    You're officially in year 12 now right? Good luck! Be moderate with the time you spend studying but don't forget to take a breather too :D
  2. PikaAnime123

    So what are you guys playing at the moment?

    Yep that was when he got his limited rate up banner. It's amazing you got him before he disappeared :D Now he can't be pulled anymore... Have you pulled in new banner?
  3. PikaAnime123

    So what are you guys playing at the moment?

    Maybe Diluc might have a rate up banner soon QwQ Did you get Venti on pity roll?
  4. PikaAnime123

    So what are you guys playing at the moment?

    Nice! Going for electro with hydro and anemo support team I see! Congrats on getting venti before his banner went away :D My party is Xingqiu, Fischl, Chongyun, and Xiangling
  5. PikaAnime123

    So what are you guys playing at the moment?

    Yep love him and he'll always stay in my main party xD Who does your main party consist of?
  6. PikaAnime123

    So what are you guys playing at the moment?

    You should be fine if you place the graphic settings on extremely low ^^ It might look pixilated but the performance becomes much more bearable
  7. PikaAnime123

    HSC Information Process & Technology Thoughts/Predictions

    Makes me wonder if anyone would really choose buying their exam papers for all of their subjects over buying the things they like and actually want XD
  8. PikaAnime123

    HSC Information Process & Technology Thoughts/Predictions

    I know right, imagine all the things you could buy instead of buying the exam papers for all of your subject Q-Q
  9. PikaAnime123

    HSC Information Process & Technology Thoughts/Predictions

    That sounds so like them, I wonder why they thought it would be a good idea to make profit from exam papers that some students will never want back anyway XD From their website, it seems the exact price is $38.20c PER COURSE. Crazy... 0-0
  10. PikaAnime123

    HSC Information Process & Technology Thoughts/Predictions

    Sure is a good deal to pay for the tests that YOU'VE done yourself, totally not a rip off OwO Congrats on finishing Purecloaker! I still have drama to go with doing 2 essays in 1 hour and 30 minutes XD
  11. PikaAnime123

    HSC Information Process & Technology Thoughts/Predictions

    You never get the paper back so you can check what questions you excelled in? Do you really never ever get it back? :O
  12. PikaAnime123

    HSC Information Process & Technology Thoughts/Predictions

    Did you end up getting full marks for that question? XD
  13. PikaAnime123

    HSC Information Process & Technology Thoughts/Predictions

    Ah true Dreamweaver would've been a good software to say, didn't think about that despite me studying about it last minute TwT And thank you jimmysmith560! Still have one more exam for me though QwQ How many marks was that file format question?
  14. PikaAnime123

    HSC Information Process & Technology Thoughts/Predictions

    Same! I had so much trouble with that I couldn't finish it... Were they telling us to provide examples of software, communication, and processing technologies, or explain how these three technolgies make it possible? I had no idea of the examples either tbh XD What did you end up writing for...
  15. PikaAnime123

    HSC Information Process & Technology Thoughts/Predictions

    Exam in around half an hour, so nerve wrecking! Good luck to all of us doing IPT! QwQ
  16. PikaAnime123

    HSC Information Process & Technology Thoughts/Predictions

    Thank you for your encouragement! :D
  17. PikaAnime123

    HSC Information Process & Technology Thoughts/Predictions

    I hope so too, but I wonder what the odds of that happening are TwT
  18. PikaAnime123

    HSC Information Process & Technology Thoughts/Predictions

    I figured that IPT would have more 6 marker questions for the HSC exam, but I guess not XD Your year sure was challenged with the exam last year QwQ But at least I can mentally prepare myself, thanks!
  19. PikaAnime123

    HSC Information Process & Technology Thoughts/Predictions

    Congrats for that, that would've been a band 6 right? :D And by 6 markers did you mean the questions that were worth 6 marks? Surprised in a bad way or good way?
  20. PikaAnime123

    HSC Information Process & Technology Thoughts/Predictions

    Thank you for the luck! How did the exam go for you last year? :O