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  1. PikaAnime123

    am i dead?

    What Velocifire has said is 100% correct! You still have a month before trials, and at least it's better late than never that you've made a schedule of studying for at least 5-6 hours a day! How you use the time you've organised will definitely be crucial in whether you can overcome a past...
  2. PikaAnime123

    Hellllppp Urgent!!!!!!

    That's really amazing to come second in english I would think... QwQ
  3. PikaAnime123

    Hellllppp Urgent!!!!!!

    Yeah, you might be too stressed and focused on buisness alone, even though there isn't any guarentee getting first place in buisness will help bump up your percentage by a lot in trials. Isn't it enough to just keep revising buisness through past trials exam questions at least for 2 hours...
  4. PikaAnime123

    TPS Assessment Task Help!

    Thank you so much for your explanations and examples, and also for the link! It makes a lot more sense how the digital signal is being encoded and decoded within my TPS when you explained it that way :D What TPS have you chosen for the Assessment?
  5. PikaAnime123

    TPS Assessment Task Help!

    Hello, I'm not exactly sure how many of everyone here doing IPT for their 2020 HSC is currently doing the TPS Assessment for their class around this time, but I'd like to ask a question regarding my chosen TPS of Online Ticket for Airlines Purchasing System. I was wondering how I would describe...
  6. PikaAnime123

    Drama Group Projects

    Yeah that's what my school thought as well, though apparently I've heard there are some schools that still decide to do GP even though it won't count towards the HSC ;w; what are you doing for your IP?
  7. PikaAnime123

    HSC Drama IP 2020 Scriptwriting Help Needed!

    Thank you very much! I think the idea of focusing on identity crisis of a tomboyish girl and effeminate boy is one I'd like to have as one of my major character subplots. I think Identity Crisis is definitely a problem that's resulted from gender stereotypes being inflicted, so thank you...
  8. PikaAnime123

    Drama Group Projects

    Yeah, Group Performances sounds extremely exciting to be working on, it's too bad it had to be cancelled... Has your school decide what they're replacing GP with? I'm guessing IP is worth a lot more for you now?
  9. PikaAnime123

    HSC Drama IP 2020 Scriptwriting Help Needed!

    Hello! I'm doing Scriptwriting for my HSC IP Drama this year, and I'm having trouble with some aspect of it that I hope to get some advice on how I should go about it. For the story of my Script, I was planning to revolve the idea around the social structure that suggests Men being the one...