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    ASB Dean's List

    Nope, seeing as it came out around 15 march last year id probs wait until then
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    Is 'Dr Du' actually a doctor?

    Last i heard when i went there was that he had a phd in electrical engineering or a phd in some degree engineering related
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    UNSW chit chat thread

    Re: UNSW chit chat thread 2017 ^ same here if anyone has it
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    Questions about first year uni

    1) textbooks are listed on course outline. If you buy them 1st hand from the uni bookshop they can range anywhere from 50-200 usually. Most people buy their textbooks 2nd hand or dont buy them at all (as for some courses textbooks are useless). 2) For the majority of courses lectures are...
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    Is Dr DU good?

    In my opinion, i dont think Dr Du is worth it if you dont consider your self strong at independent learning and learning at a fast rate with minimal chances for questions or personalized help. The main reason people go to Dr Du is to compete with other people from high ranking selective schools...
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    UNSW chit chat thread

    Re: UNSW chit chat thread 2017 You can usually skip 1-2 a semester since they have a 80% ( if i recall correctly) attendance rate, effectively meaning you can just skip 1-2 classes with no notice of absence. This is for business courses anyways. For labs however though it may vary, for...
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    psyc1001 and wam??

    I did the course 2017 sem 1 and i dont think its a wam booster if youre looking for something like that. It requires quite a bit of effort tbh. The content isnt that hard but theres a LOT of memorisation and rote learning, not to mention that the midsem and finals have questions that can test...
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    Dr Du vs Talent100 2018

    Regarding Dr Du, 50% gets you to A3, 60% to A2 and 70% to A1. (A1 being the highest class). They usally test you on subjects that are anywhere from 4months-1 year ahead of the normal school curriculum so to do well in the entrance exam you should start by studying ahead. Note that even if you...
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    UNSW Commerce HELP

    Speaking for UNSW, in general commerce is one of the easier courses you can do. It really depends on the major you want to take but things like accounting are mainly memorizing rather than being conceptually difficult like a math course. Assuming you transfer to UNSW and start with 1st year...
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    did econ1101 sem 1 2017 and got hd. Id say even without an econ background its not that hard to get hd. The content is usually just memorization but soemtimes youll need to understand the concepts in depth to explain them in your answers (since our tutor told us recently they ahve been marking...
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    math1041 or math1131

    if you just want to maximise gpa then do math1041. Its extremly easy (most of it is memorizing formulas then plugging) and you can get 90+ studying 3 days before finals.
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    How Far Back?

    For school tests back to around 1980 i think since my school had a habit of copying questions straight from old HSC papers. For the actual HSC i think back to 07.
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    Really bad results in first year 12 exam block

    Depends on the person really. If you didnt do that well in this block it might be wise to take some time and go over 1st terms material again and try get ahead by a couple of weeks in terms of content during your holiday and maintain that pace when the second term starts again. Other people like...
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    Combined Commerce at UNSW!!!

    to prepare for commerce - i'd recommend not doing anything until classes start, but if you really really want to get ahead then find out what classes you want to take and buy the textbooks and start reading them. comp-sci - dont do it so not sure in regards to social life or what not it...
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    UNSW chit chat thread

    Re: UNSW chit chat thread 2017 theres a science deans list? Is it 4 courses minimum requirement for 1st years?
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    Really bad results in first year 12 exam block

    90+ atar is still possible. These assignments were worth 20% at most meaning you still have another 80% weighting to pull your marks up, not to mention by smashing the HSC as well which is another 50% of your total mark you have many more chances to lift marks up. Just focus on finding the...
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    How to transfer into usyd law?

    To copy and paste from another thread - For UAC transfers (which is most cases), theoretically they use ATAR and GPA/WAM if your ATAR is higher than your GPA/WAM equivalent, and they use just your GPA/WAM if your GPA/WAM equivalent is higher than your ATAR. So if your atar wasnt >99ish then try...
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    ATAR is way off the estimations

    If im guessing correctly and you were trying to get USYD law you could try transfer in at the end of your 1st year of uni if its the course you really wanted
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    Questions to 99.95 ATAR Recipients

    i got mid 99s and was never top of my cohort, usually got credits in the unsw science comps or whatnot. I mainly studied by doing past papers and learning what model answers for questions were. I think this is a good tactic since i went into my eco and chem test studying 1 day before and did...
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    UNSW Subject Reviews.

    FINS1612 Ease: 8/10, concepts are straight forward, calculations are just memorising formulas, nothing conceptually difficult Lecturer: 7/10, im not a fan of lecturers who make lectures compulsory and are strict to the point of not letting people leave the lecture half way through but...