Search results

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    People doing Medentry what raw marks and percentiles are you guys getting?

    conditions are pretty strict. I think its no toilet first 10 mins nor last 10. Needa put hand up for toilet for sure. Never leave your desk without asking first.
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    UNSW Subject Reviews.

    Hopefully more people start posting their reviews for this sem: Econ1101: Ease: 8/10 - Pretty easy overall except there were a few concepts that were hard to wrap my head around but they have a question forum where tutors always respond so thats pretty helpful. Also note they started marking...
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    Official UNSW S1 2017 Results

    ======================================================== Session Course Title Result ======================================================== T1 ACCT1501 Accounting & Financial Mgt 1A....95 HD T1 ECON1101 Microeconomics 1.................90 HD...
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    Official UNSW S1 2017 Results

    Do 4th/5th years get results earlier than 1st years or something or is it just random
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    Official UNSW S1 2017 Results

    Results released 9am Sydney time (AEDT) to student email accounts, 6pm Sydney time to myUNSW on the 11th of july ie tomorrow
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    People doing Medentry what raw marks and percentiles are you guys getting?

    in the real umat my s1 was 60 raw scores were probs 80-90 real umat best was s2 87ish percentile No point being worried tbh the umat changes considerably each year and even if you performed badly on medentry like i did your still ahead of the majority attempting umat plus luck plays quite a big...
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    People doing Medentry what raw marks and percentiles are you guys getting?

    s1:50-60th percentile s2:50th percentile s3:70th percentile overall in medentry 60-70th percentile usually but i had a lot that were sub 50 too in the real umat got 87th percentile with a shit s1 and decent s2 and s3
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    People doing Medentry what raw marks and percentiles are you guys getting?

    s1 about the same medentry s2 was harder s3 was harder in real umat
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    People doing Medentry what raw marks and percentiles are you guys getting?

    i did umat last year...can confirm s2 is hit or miss. I always got like 50th percentile or less in medentry for s2 and ended up getting 85-90th percentile for s2 in real umat. If your doing really well in s1 and s3 youll be fine for the real umat too
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    S1/17 WAM Predictions

    From their website The Award is only available to students who have successfully completed a minimum of 24 units of credit (UOC) of Business School courses in the previous calendar year (industrial training/experience and exchange courses are not counted as completed units of credit). So 4 or...
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    S1/17 WAM Predictions

    i think psyc1001 has been uploaded (all 4 of my subjects have been uploaded i beleive). On another note, can someone tell me how likely it is for the stream declaration wam to change or will it usually be the same number as the final mark we get next week?
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    S1/17 WAM Predictions

    for me math1041, acct1501, econ1101 is out as my decimal is .667. Im still waiting on psyc1001 (or at least i beleive its psyc1001)
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    S1/17 WAM Predictions

    i think acct1501, econ1101 and econ1203 were uploaded according to some friends
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    S1/17 WAM Predictions

    If you havent declared a stream yet is there any way to find out what the wam number is for? I do comm/sci and have a wam number but not sure what its for
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    Anyone ready for UMAT?

    It shouldnt scare you tbh. Almost no one will finish on time (and i know some people who got 100 percentile and didnt finish) and even those who do get 100th percentile still make educated guesses on quite a few questions.
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    Anyone ready for UMAT?

    At the start i got below 50th percentile but towards the end 70th percentile. I only ever got 85th percentile like twice. And i have no tips to finish the exam in 3 hours since i had guess the last 10 or so questions from lack of time during the real test haha
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    Anyone ready for UMAT?

    87th percentile but i did a lot worse on med entry tests lol
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    Anyone ready for UMAT?

    Same you guys are legit stressing tf out of me lmao and this is my 2nd year attempting UMAT
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    undergrad degrees as a pathway to med

    istudent is right i remember i asked a med lecturer at unsw what he thought about me doing comm/sci undergrad and then sitting the gamsat for postgrad med and he said thats a good choice since jobs with a medsci degree are hard to find
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    How difficult are exams for maths classes?

    where can you find past papers for any subjects? Cant find anything for mine on the library database search