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    How long should our e) question be

    I wrote 3-4 pages and did what pikachu said, the mini essay structure
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    Maths (Stats/data science/analytics) vs Medicine

    make sure you dont say any of those reasons in a med interview even if they are your true reasons for doing med, thats guaranteed to get you an instafail also if you didnt get into med this year studying for med will become very time consuming and is hard so unless youre passionate and adamant...
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    Tips for Eco ?

    trading economics has good stats so do RBA snapshots, sign up for keystone educations economics update (its free but they havnt posted in a while), prelim eco doesnt have any challenging stuff, yr 12 eco has quite a bit of content so make sure you constantly revise earlier topics or you will...
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    Anyone starts tutoring for HSC in year 11?

    a lot of people do, probs not recommended for yr 11 becuase you dont know if you will struggle or not but for yr 12 if youre struggling then chem/phys could be quite helpful. If you think you are grasping everything easily then no need for tutoring. In my experience (PERSONAL OPINION) economics...
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    Post your 2016 ATAR here!

    damn my school doesnt even know who dux is so i guess i wont find out
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    Post your 2016 ATAR here!

    is the AAA award only for dux? Cause i got it but im pretty sure someone got higher than me in my cohort?
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    Post your 2016 ATAR here!

    99.50, shoutout to integrand for helping me with at least 300 questions ive asked him over the past year lol
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    JCU Interviews

    Has anyone got a jcu interivew yet?
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    help with mc questions

    Thanks :)
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    help with mc questions

    question 17 2014 hsc Australia has a lower minimum wage for youth than for adults. Which of the following is most likely to cause an increase in youth unemployment? ANS: increase in minimum wage for youth and unchanged minimum wage for adults i thought it would be increase in minimum wage...
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    Mathematics Extension 2 - 2016 Post-HSC Exam Thoughts

    only response i can agree with haha
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    Ranking and Final Mark in Exam!

    I think since you got the same HSC mark, your HSC mark would be the same, but his internal mark will be higher than yours
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    is MEDENTRY worth it?

    In my opinion i found the 2 day workshop to be a waste of time since everything they tell you is on the Medentry website (when you pay) and instead of their simulation test you can just do one of the ten they provide. I thought the online aspect of medentry was pretty good though and quite detailed.
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    haha you need clear messages once again mate

    haha you need clear messages once again mate
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    Is it over?

    If you get 1st in everything apparently you dont get affected by the rest of the cohort and if the school is really that bad then getting 1st shouldnt be much of a problem
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    UMAT 2016 Results

    He goes JCU which doesnt need UMAT. Interviews for JCU are based on atar+application
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    Official BOS Trial 2016 Thread

    Would like to sit both tests
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    How do I do well in a class taught by a crap teacher?

    I agree with boredofstudiesuser, dont pay attention if class and do your own notes (unless the teacher gets angry) and learn off your textbook+past papers. Not sure if you do essay writing in legal but if you do then do some essays and hand them to your teacher to mark + go ahead and ask...
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    Hiya, can you please clear some of your inbox messages haha sorry

    Hiya, can you please clear some of your inbox messages haha sorry
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    What's the deal with the new reference sheet?

    My teacher said what yours did and that the old ln integral wont be tested or will be given to us as its not on the sheet, but anything could happen really so id reckon just memorize it in case