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  1. Zoinked

    MQ Chatter Thread

    Is there any reason why I shouldn't swap my applied finance/ commerce (accounting) degree to Commerce majoring in finance and accounting? The fewer units involved means I can start working quicker or take the last few semesters easy with fewer units and intern or something. The difference in...
  2. Zoinked

    decent uni part time jobs

    Companies don't care if you worked 15 hours at kfc and 15 at mcdonalds a week while studying.
  3. Zoinked

    decent uni part time jobs

    You can, but why put yourself through it
  4. Zoinked

    Sum of all numbers from 0 to 9

    You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to InteGrand again.
  5. Zoinked

    Student managed investment funds anywhere?

    Sounds risky... but kinda fun I suppose. Is it students investing their own money that is being managed or is it a bit of fun money that the uni gives them?
  6. Zoinked

    MQ Chatter Thread

    read the slides for tomorrow, it looks fucked lol
  7. Zoinked

    How To Slay Thread

    Mate, as amusing as it is to watch you trawl the old threads, you should probs be studying
  8. Zoinked

    MQ Chatter Thread

    Pretty easy in my opinion, although I do actively research finance in my own time so maybe thats a bias. Finished the "challenging" practise quiz for quiz2 and it was pretty easy.
  9. Zoinked

    Few questions about scaling/atar

    Personally I think too much time is wasted on this forum talking about this kinda stuff. BoS has disclosed every single thing that they do with our marks, if you want you can read it. However, you can't change anything that they do lol, just spend your time studying and doing the best you can
  10. Zoinked

    Why do people choose to do Law?

    Suits made me definitely not want to do law lol. Expected to work all day every day, fook that
  11. Zoinked

    Why do people choose to do Law?

    >Passion for justice Overwhelming small companies and poor individuals with the brute force of a huge law firm for maximum $$
  12. Zoinked

    MQ Chatter Thread

    I did both a few days ago, both pretty easy.
  13. Zoinked

    MQ Chatter Thread

    Nah it doesn't matter what level it is.
  14. Zoinked

    MQ Chatter Thread

    Read the slides before it and noped out. Btw, why would u wanna do 4 lectures straight? Or did you plan to only attend certain ones and watch the rest (or all of them) at home?
  15. Zoinked

    MQ Chatter Thread

    I'm in your bba and accg lectures. Ironically, those are the two lectures I planned on skipping.
  16. Zoinked

    MQ Chatter Thread

    This sem im in mon/tue/fri we should catch up
  17. Zoinked

    MQ Chatter Thread

    Minimum of 3cp, don;t think faculty matters
  18. Zoinked

    Cadetships 2017

    This number is about right, at the UBS finance academy they brought in for us 4 cadets who had begun their cadetships in the last 2 years.
  19. Zoinked


    50-60 in advanced english barely even contributes to your atar, its in the bottom few percent of english students. Although, if you don't need to get higher I guess it doesn't matter.
  20. Zoinked

    MQ Chatter Thread

    My degree gives me 3 elective units to pick, so excluding my people and planet units, I have one left to choose. So guys, whats a fun unit I can do that doesn't have lots of prerequisites to give me the last 3 credit points I need for my degree? Was thinking of doing a science, law or a fun arts...