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  1. Zoinked


    Eh, like 50-60 :/ Try applying for misadventure and look into other BoS systems in place because its not really your fault you're dropping marks because of your health.
  2. Zoinked

    accounting + a "useless" arts major ?

    By no means qualified to answer this, but I feel like you could argue it either way: *Accounting has nothing to do with english so why bother studying english if you want to go into accounting/finance or... *I have an advantage over other accountants as I have better written communication and...
  3. Zoinked

    Goals for 2017 at Macquarie

    My goals: *Study consistently all year. *8 HD's *Minimise stress by being on top of work and homework. *Make a few new good friends. Nice thread. Btw, the gpa system changed to be out of 7.
  4. Zoinked

    Any attention from genetically inferior males
  5. Zoinked

    Questions for asians specifically- Would you date an indian?

    get back to the redpill normie
  6. Zoinked

    Early Atar Estimate

    Looks like you'll get high, but maybe not high enough for med as your name suggests you want to pursue. I'd put you at around 98.5.
  7. Zoinked

    Timetable Clash

    google is hard
  8. Zoinked

    Predicting HSC Questions?

    My retarted legal studies cohort tried so hard to guess the questions and weren't prepared to answer everything and guess what, the first year without band 6s lol.
  9. Zoinked

    USYD Normal vs Advanced Math Units

    You're a capable maths student who got 2 e4s, might as well keep being a top student. Your employers will be more impressed you did the advanced units rather than settling for lower ones.
  10. Zoinked

    UNSW Finance Major - Advice Needed

    What are you working 40 hours per week doing? You've got to consider if the money is worth detracting from your ability to get a solid GPA, network and have a more rounded university experience. Doing well in your finance degree will set you up quite nicely to earn in the future.
  11. Zoinked

    MQ Chatter Thread

    Yea I haven't bother to choose one lol, have friends at uni already that will have to do
  12. Zoinked


    Make sure to continually buy every new macbook as they come out as well. Also, you can't be seen dead in class without a coffee.
  13. Zoinked

    Post Your 2017 University Offers Here

    Look at his signature
  14. Zoinked

    Transferring from MQ Have a look around here
  15. Zoinked

    UNSW VS USYD VS MACQUARIE university for secondary maths teaching?

    Maths teachers are in short demand. Think not prestige for now, choose a uni based on location, quality of life etc.
  16. Zoinked

    90+ HSC Mark English - how did you do it??

    I didnt :(
  17. Zoinked

    MQ Chatter Thread

    It still says that my original offer is my first preference..