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  1. Zoinked

    MQ Chatter Thread

    big boi! I guess you're better than me cause you're older
  2. Zoinked

    MQ Chatter Thread

    Set up my timetable already and its pretty sweet! Only have stuff on 3 days a week and never have to come in before 10am lol
  3. Zoinked

    MQ Chatter Thread

    Indeed, although I doubt it will be as satisfying :)
  4. Zoinked

    MQ Chatter Thread

    Distinctions no longer can give you a perfect GPA :((((, my goal was to graduate with a 4.0 or very close to it.
  5. Zoinked

    MQ Chatter Thread It says here under "Your experience" that you need 36 months of experience to become a CPA so I believe you can't do your CPA whilst at uni.
  6. Zoinked

    Applied Finance and Economics at MQU

    how so? Before you said this I actually had considered changing my degree to finance/accounting
  7. Zoinked

    MQ Chatter Thread

    Happy to have finalised my timetable and its pretty sweet. Everything is on only 3 days! Also have a question, is it alright to have a tute scheduled before its corresponding lecture ? Or do you need to go to the lecture to know the content for a tutorial?
  8. Zoinked

    Applied Finance and Economics at MQU

    I'm in the exact same position, I started doing calculus on khan academy and am learning the new stuff at a decent pace.
  9. Zoinked

    Sorry if this question is personal, but I saw you mention in a thread you intend to move back to...

    Sorry if this question is personal, but I saw you mention in a thread you intend to move back to Australia. Did you move to Singapore to make a lot of money at low tax rates or was there another reason for the move? The idea of moving to asia temporarily has interested me.
  10. Zoinked

    Is it going to be tough getting 95+ ATAR at a school ranked in the 150-200

    It is definitely possible, the hardest part is staying focused among the other students who honestly don't give a fuck. At my school, 60%ish of our bands were 3s and 4s, having all these kids who detest the hsc and belittle you for working hard are what will weigh you down. If you can ignore...
  11. Zoinked

    Is it possible to get 98.00?

    yes, keep working
  12. Zoinked

    HD average in Commerce at USYD

    USYD comm students getting consisten HD's probably aren't on bored of studies on a tuesday afternoon.
  13. Zoinked

    Share your 2016 HSC results here

    Do you regret repeating 2 unit to get only 2 more? You could have killed 4 unit and probably gotten a .95
  14. Zoinked

    Share your 2016 HSC results here

    SO devastated. Was expecting b6 in chem and business idk what happened Economics-82 General Maths- 98 Legal- 87 Business- 89 English Std - 79 LOL Chemistry- 83
  15. Zoinked

    Result Prediction Thread?

    I'll start. I only did 3 subjects this year, Predicting: Legal 88, Business 90 and Chemistry 90.
  16. Zoinked

    Maths & Actuarial Studies/Finance/accounting

    Please OP, dont listen to eyeseeyou. He's got a reputation here for being full of shit
  17. Zoinked

    Could someone check my legal essay?

    yea pm me
  18. Zoinked

    Actuarial Studies and Finance

    Si is a highschooler