Search results

  1. undalay

    4 Unit, should I go for it or not?

    Don't follow your bullshit school customs. What's this bullshit about must having 11 units? Like the other guy said, if ur doing shit in 4u then drop it and keep ur 2u mark. You only need 10, you don't need 11.
  2. undalay

    uai prediction

    i think mid 70s
  3. undalay

    What happens if I'm sick?

    be a mann and do the testt
  4. undalay

    can some one explain..

    Root laws do not apply for negatives Thats the fault.
  5. undalay

    messed up trials?!

    If ur in the top 70% then yes.
  6. undalay

    UAI prediction?

    ranked 13th? With those ranks you'll get 95+ easy.
  7. undalay

    Procrastination preventers?

    go to a library.
  8. undalay

    11 Units

    yes, 1 unit from eco is taken.
  9. undalay

    help read that
  10. undalay

    Selective Schools: Good or Bad?

    People will always be better then you. Get over it. Don't blame the selective system, its brilliant imo. You need to accept who you are.
  11. undalay

    Chem Qs

    A general polarity of any molecular can be estimated relatively accurate by looknig at the shape of the molecule, and the difference of electronegativity between bonding atoms.
  12. undalay

    Scaling for hard subjects seems to go down?

    Well firstly we talk about a subjects scale relatively. So even if chemistry seems to scale down. The fact that it scales down LESS then another subject, makes it have higher scaling. That said, each subject has a break even mark, where above that mark u get scaled up, and below that mark...
  13. undalay

    Do we need a related text for the 'Close Study of Text' Module?

    2 supplementary texts for journeys.
  14. undalay

    going on holidays in sept/oct

    It's august. If you begin studying now, you should be fine.
  15. undalay

    Why do you think Physics is so hard?

    Lol prelim
  16. undalay


    Equate like terms: x^2 = ax^2 a = 1 10x = 4ax + bx 10 = 4 +b b=6 c = 4a +b c = 4 + 6 c = 10
  17. undalay

    truly Complex.

    I dont understand ur explanation. The locus of z is the unit circle? Do you agree? Now if u square any vector on this circle...its still going to lie on the unit circle! Simply because the squared vector's modulus is gonig to be 1^2 = 1, and the arg is going to be 2x the arg of z...
  18. undalay

    English essays and bands
