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  1. undalay

    General stereotypes on Engineering

    Generally speaking for a uni grad, the majority of jobs would be on site, is that a correct assumption? Say for chem eng.
  2. undalay

    Orbiting electron

    Supposedly it loses energy by releasing EMR while orbiting. This is the point I don't understand.
  3. undalay

    Orbiting electron

    I realse his model had problems. I am just trying to understand why his model was flawed. His model would collapse due to the electron spiraling into the nucleus, however I dont understand why the electron loses energy.
  4. undalay

    BCS theory

    I don't complete understand. From what I gather. The lattice shifts so there is like a tunnel if you like, that accelerates the electrns due to the positive charge. I also assume the 0 resistance is due to the stronge electric field of these cations guiding the electrons through? So how...
  5. undalay

    Orbiting electron

    According to numerous sources it would. Jacaranda. "Rutherford knew that if the electrons were in orbit around the nucleu,s they would be accelerating. They would be expected to be emitting emr in accordance with the theories of Maxwell and, ofcourse, the atom would be unstable" It's saying...
  6. undalay

    Orbiting electron

    If a electron orbited a nuclei, why would it continuously release energy?
  7. undalay

    number of hsc and sc enrolments

    Well not instantly. If their projected HSC score is higher, they could still "beat you" However generally the people who drop out tend to have lower SC scores.
  8. undalay

    BCS theory

    Anybody wanna explain this? edit: particularly why cooper pairs help super conductivity. What would happen if they didn't exist? Wouldnt the lone eletron still gain a passage.
  9. undalay

    simplifying inverse tan

    x = atan(2) - atan(0.5) let arctan 2 = a arc tan 0.5 = b tan x = tan (a-b) tan x= ( a-b )/1+tanaxtanb tan x= 3/4 x = arctan 3/4 thus atan(2) - atan(0.5) = aarctan 3/4
  10. undalay

    General stereotypes on Engineering

    So what % of people employed within engineering wear hardhats.
  11. undalay

    Anode/Cathode, which one is positive and negative?

    Complete truth. Ignore all other posts.
  12. undalay

    Am I on track?

    The information you've given is too vague to give an accurate estimate. If you could be bothered, please post your exact schools rank (or name). Exact marks and ranks. Rather than 70-90. Ty
  13. undalay

    Is the flame colour due to the metal ion or the anion present? Why?

    Nobody actually answered the question. Why doesn't heating anions have flames/colours? Something to do with valence shell filled, thus no other electrons are able to reach an excited energy level? I have no idea, just speculating
  14. undalay

    Band E3/E4 for Ext 2

    Why do you want to know about bands? Bands are stupid, they mean nothing :S Also what do you want to know about bands in particular ?
  15. undalay

    Straight line question ( K method)

    A (4,5) B (1,-1) C (-2, -7) Looking at the X value of A. It goes down by 3 at B It goes down again by the sam amount to C This is the same for Y value (only goes down by 6)
  16. undalay

    Straight line question ( K method)

    The difference of the x,y values of point C is equal to the difference between A and B. e.g. If A was (1,1) and B was (3,3) then C would be (5,5) Assuming ABC were collinear and B is in the middle
  17. undalay

    Band E3/E4 for Ext 2

    from the 2007 exam thoughts forum.
  18. undalay

    PwC or EY...
